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Last active October 26, 2017 22:25
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module Matrices
-- Vector stuff ~ maybe put Prelude.Vect
||| Dot product between numerical vectors
dot : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect n a -> a
dot w v = sum (zipWith (*) w v)
||| Numerical vector times a scalar of the appropriate type
vxs : Num a => Vect n a -> a -> Vect n a
vxs v s = map (* s) v
||| Tensor product for numerical vectors
ox : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n * m) a
ox {n} {m} q w = zipWith (*) (oextend m q) (orep n w) where
orep : {N : Nat} -> (M : Nat) -> Vect N a -> Vect (M * N) a
orep M Q = concat $ replicate M Q
oextend : (j : Nat) -> Vect k a -> Vect (k * j) a
oextend {k} j w = concat $ map (replicate j) w
||| Vector addition
vPlus : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
vPlus v w = zipWith (+) v w
||| Vector subtraction
vMinus : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
vMinus v w = zipWith (-) v w
||| Squared-Norm of a numerical vector
sqNorm : Num a => Vect n a -> a
sqNorm v = sum $ map (\x => x*x) v
||| Make an n-dimensional vector from a function of Fin-n
vectorMaker : {n : Nat} -> (Fin n -> a) -> Vect n a
vectorMaker {n} f = map f (reverse $ allN n) where
allN : (n : Nat) -> Vect n (Fin n)
allN Z = Nil
allN (S n) = last :: (map weaken $ allN n)
-- Matrix stuff ~ maybe put in Prelude.Matrix
||| Matrix with n cols and m rows
Matrix : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
Matrix n m a = Vect n (Vect m a)
||| Gets the specified row of a matrix. For cols use the vector function 'index'
getRow : Fin m -> Matrix n m a -> Vect n a
getRow fm q = map (index fm) q
||| Deletes the specified row of a matrix. For cols use the vector function 'deleteAt'
deleteRow : Fin (S m) -> Matrix n (S m) a -> Matrix n m a
deleteRow f m = map (deleteAt f) m
||| Numerical matrix times scalar of the appropriate type
mxs : Num a => Matrix n m a -> a -> Matrix n m a
mxs m s = map (map (* s)) m
||| Matrix times a vector
mxv : Num a => Matrix n m a -> Vect n a -> Vect m a
mxv m v = vectorMaker (rowApply m v) where
rowApply : Num b => {N,M : Nat} -> Matrix N M b -> Vect N b -> Fin M -> b
rowApply mat v f = dot (getRow f mat) v
||| Matrix multiplication
mxm : Num a => Matrix k m a -> Matrix n k a -> Matrix n m a
mxm m1 m2 = map (mxv m1) m2
||| Tensor product for numerical matrices
otimes : Num a => Matrix w1 h1 a -> Matrix w2 h2 a -> Matrix (w1 * w2) (h1 * h2) a
otimes m1 m2 = zipWith ox (stepOne m1 m2) (stepTwo m1 m2) where
stepOne : Matrix w1 h1 a -> Matrix w2 h2 a -> Matrix (w1 * w2) h1 a
stepOne {w2} m1 m2 = concat $ map (replicate w2) m1
stepTwo : Matrix w1 h1 a -> Matrix w2 h2 a -> Matrix (w1 * w2) h2 a
stepTwo {w1} m1 m2 = concat $ (Vect.replicate w1) m2
||| Cast a standard Vect to a proper n x 1 matrix
castCol : Vect n a -> Matrix 1 n a
castCol v = [v]
||| Cast a Vect to a 1 x n Matrix, i.e. a row
castRow : Vect n a -> Matrix n 1 a
castRow v = map (\x => [x]) v
||| Outer product of numerical vectors
outer : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Matrix n m a
outer x y ?= (castRow x) `otimes` (castCol y)
||| Matrix addition
mPlus : Num a => Matrix n m a -> Matrix n m a -> Matrix n m a
mPlus m1 m2 = zipWith vPlus m1 m2
||| Matrix subtraction
mMinus : Num a => Matrix n m a -> Matrix n m a -> Matrix n m a
mMinus m1 m2 = zipWith vMinus m1 m2
---------- Proofs ----------
outer_lemma_1 = proof
rewrite (multOneRightNeutral n)
rewrite (multOneLeftNeutral m)
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