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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Save fieldstrength/9754150aa1920c664212 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quantum harmonic oscillator probability-density animation
int step = 10; //# of pixels between computed Psi values
int time = 0;
int d=81; // = 81 = the dimensionality of this discretized Hilbert space
float[] Psi = new float[d]; // = |<x|Psi>|^2, the probability density indexed by position representation
float[] E = new float[d]; // = <E|Psi>, i.e. the state vector in energy representation (pre-normalization)
int[][] Herm = new int[d][d]; // Herm[i][j] = jth power of ksi in ith Hermite polynomial
float[] C = new float[d]; // = factor 1/(sqrt(2^n * n!)), the normalization constant for nth Hermite polynomial
float A1 = 0;
float A2 = 0;
float B1 = 0;
float B2 = 0;
float sx = 0.15; // = ksi/i, distance constant
float sy = 40;
float summer;
int NormConst=0;
float tt = 0.019; //time constant
/* @pjs preload="state_labels.gif"; */
//PImage psis;
void setup() {
size(801, 601);
//psis = loadImage("state_labels.gif");
C[0] = 1;
for(int i=0; i<d; i++) {
if(i>0) { C[i] = C[i-1]/sqrt(2*i); }
E[i] = 0;
for(int j=0; j<d; j++) {
Herm[0][0] = 1;
Herm[1][1] = 2;
// Begin recursive Hermitian polynomial definition
for(int n=1; n<(d-1); n++) { // (n+1)th Hermite polynomial defined in terms of preceeding 2
for(int i=0; i<(d-1); i++) {
Herm[n+1][i] -= 2*n*Herm[n-1][i];
Herm[n+1][i+1] += 2*Herm[n][i];
// Arbitrary initial values
E[0] = 0;
E[1] = 12;
E[2] = 20;
E[3] = 67;
E[4] = 79;
E[5] = 17;
E[6] = 43;
for(int x=0; x<=6; x++) { NormConst += sq(E[x]); }
void draw() {
line(width/2, 0, width/2, height/2);
for(int i=0; i<=d/2; i++) {
A1 = 0; // corresponds to real component for x positive
A2 = 0; // corresponds to real component for x negative
B1 = 0; // corresponds to imaginary component for x positive
B2 = 0; // corresponds to imaginary component for x negative
for(int n=0; n<8; n++) {
A1 += cos((n+0.5)*tt*time)*E[n]*C[n]*(Herm[n][0]
+ (i*sx)*Herm[n][1]
+ pow(i*sx,2)*Herm[n][2]
+ pow(i*sx,3)*Herm[n][3]
+ pow(i*sx,4)*Herm[n][4]
+ pow(i*sx,5)*Herm[n][5]
+ pow(i*sx,6)*Herm[n][6]
+ pow(i*sx,7)*Herm[n][7]);
A2 += cos((n+0.5)*tt*time)*E[n]*C[n]*(Herm[n][0]
- (i*sx)*Herm[n][1]
+ pow(i*sx,2)*Herm[n][2]
- pow(i*sx,3)*Herm[n][3]
+ pow(i*sx,4)*Herm[n][4]
- pow(i*sx,5)*Herm[n][5]
+ pow(i*sx,6)*Herm[n][6]
- pow(i*sx,7)*Herm[n][7]);
B1 += sin((n+0.5)*tt*time)*E[n]*C[n]*(Herm[n][0]
+ (i*sx)*Herm[n][1]
+ pow(i*sx,2)*Herm[n][2]
+ pow(i*sx,3)*Herm[n][3]
+ pow(i*sx,4)*Herm[n][4]
+ pow(i*sx,5)*Herm[n][5]
+ pow(i*sx,6)*Herm[n][6]
+ pow(i*sx,7)*Herm[n][7]);
B2 += sin((n+0.5)*tt*time)*E[n]*C[n]*(Herm[n][0]
- (i*sx)*Herm[n][1]
+ pow(i*sx,2)*Herm[n][2]
- pow(i*sx,3)*Herm[n][3]
+ pow(i*sx,4)*Herm[n][4]
- pow(i*sx,5)*Herm[n][5]
+ pow(i*sx,6)*Herm[n][6]
- pow(i*sx,7)*Herm[n][7]);
Psi[(40+i)] = sq(exp(-0.5*sq(i*sx))) * 0.0003 * (sq(A1) + sq(B1));
Psi[(40-i)] = sq(exp(-0.5*sq(i*sx))) * 0.0003 * (sq(A2) + sq(B2));
line(0, height/2, width-1, height/2);
vertex(0, height/2);
for(int i=0; i<d; i++) {
curveVertex(step*i, height/2 - sy*Psi[i]);
vertex(width-1, height/2);
// Energy Level Control:
translate(width/2 + 5, height/2 + 165);
rect(120, -E[7], 30, E[7]);
rect(80, -E[6], 30, E[6]);
rect(40, -E[5], 30, E[5]);
rect(00, -E[4], 30, E[4]);
rect(-40, -E[3], 30, E[3]);
rect(-80, -E[2], 30, E[2]);
rect(-120, -E[1], 30, E[1]);
rect(-160, -E[0], 30, E[0]);
rect(+120, -150, 30, 150);
rect(+80, -150, 30, 150);
rect(+40, -150, 30, 150);
rect(+00, -150, 30, 150);
rect(-40, -150, 30, 150);
rect(-80, -150, 30, 150);
rect(-120, -150, 30, 150);
rect(-160, -150, 30, 150);
//image(psis, -160, 2);
void mousePressed() {
boolean allow;
int y = mouseY;
int x = mouseX;
int yb = height/2 + 165;
int xb = width/2 - 155;
if((y >= yb-150) && (y <= yb + 7)) {
allow = false;
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
if((x >= xb + i*40) &&(x <= xb+30+i*40)) { }
else { if(E[i]!=0) { allow=true; } }
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
if((x >= xb + i*40)&&(x <= xb+30+i*40)) {
if(yb-y > 0) { E[i] = yb-y; }
if((yb-y <= 0)&&(allow)) { E[i] = 0; }
summer = 0;
for(int j=0; j<d; j++) {
summer += sq(E[j]);
for(int j=0; j<d; j++) {
E[j] = E[j]*sqrt(NormConst/summer);
void mouseDragged() {
boolean allow;
int y = mouseY;
int x = mouseX;
int yb = height/2 + 165;
int xb = width/2 - 155;
if((y >= yb-150) && (y <= yb + 7)) {
allow = false;
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
if((x >= xb + i*40) &&(x <= xb+30+i*40)) { }
else { if(E[i]!=0) { allow=true; } }
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
if((x >= xb + i*40)&&(x <= xb+30+i*40)) {
if(yb-y > 0) { E[i] = yb-y; }
if((yb-y <= 0)&&(allow)) { E[i] = 0; }
summer = 0;
for(int j=0; j<d; j++) {
summer += sq(E[j]);
for(int j=0; j<d; j++) {
E[j] = E[j]*sqrt(NormConst/summer);
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