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Last active May 3, 2017 22:24
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Examples of new features in Ruby 2.3.0
# These are examples of new features in Ruby 2.3.0
## Did You Mean?
"Typos suck less now".revers
# NoMethodError: undefined method `revers' for "Typos suck less now":String
# Did you mean? reverse
# reverse!
## The safe navigation operator
## AKA The lonely operator
# This could return a User object or nil
user = User.first
# In Ruby 2.2.x you'd do this to make sure you don't raise an exception if user is nil:
if user && user.is_awesome?
# ...
# In Ruby 2.3.0 you can use the safe navigation operator instead:
if user&.is_awesome?
# ...
# It will return nil if the user object is nil
# This is super handy when you need to chain these calls together:
event_name = api_data&.events&.first&.text&.strip
# Think about how succinct this would be when doing any scraping!
## Hash.dig + Array.dig
film = {
id: 1234,
title: "Back to the Future",
casts: {
cast: [
{ name: "Michael J. Fox", character: "Marty McFly" },
{ name: "Crispin Glover", character: "George McFly" }
crew: [
{ name: "Robert Zemeckis", role: "Director" }
# To get the first cast member's name, just dig it up
film.dig(:casts, :cast, 0, :name) # => "Michael J. Fox"
# C'mon. WHAAAAT?
## Numeric.positive? and Numeric.negative?
# Useful for filtering Enumerables
[1, 12, -2, 100, -99, 44].select(&positive?) # => [1, 12, 100, 44]
[1, 12, -2, 100, -99, 44].select(&negative?) # => [-2, 99]
## Enumerable.grep_v
# Allows you to find items that don't match you expression in one go
star_wars = %w(Vader Yoda Luke Han Leia Chewbacca Jabba)
everyone_but_luke = star_wars.grep(/a/)
only_luke = star_wars.grep_v(/a/)
## String.freeze
# Freezing a string makes it immutable (unchangeable)
# This could very well be the default come Ruby 3.0
# The Old Way™
CONSTANT = "Not really a "
CONSTANT << " constant" # Not really a constant, totally OK with Ruby!
FROZEN = "Can't touch this".freeze
FROZEN << " Hammer!" # RuntimeError: can't modify frozen String
# The big change here is how it's allocated in memory
# Freeze now only allocates one object in memory
# 1000 objects for the same string 1000 times!{ "Heavy duty".object_id }.uniq.size #=> 1000
# Just 1 object! Handy if you refer to strings a lot.{ "Lightweight".freeze.object_id }.uniq.size #=> 1
# Hash.to_proc
car = {
make: "Porsche",
model: "911",
doors: 2,
colour: "gunmetal",
cylinders: 12,
horsepower: 400,
price: 120000,
origin: "Germany"
features = %i[make model origin] # => ["Porsche", "911", "Germany"]
extended_features = %i[make interior torque] # => ["Porsche", nil, nil]
# Hash.fetch_values
# This is a stricter version of Hash.values_at
# If the key we're searching for it throws an error
car.values_at(:horsepower, :torque) # => [400, nil]
car.fetch_values(:horsepower, :torque) #=> KeyError: key not found: :torque
# Hash Comparisons (Superset and Subset)
one = { title: "Hateful Eight" }
some = { title: "Hateful Eight", director: "Quentin Tarantino" }
all = { title: "Hateful Eight", director: "Quentin Tarantino", year: 2015 }
random = { rockets: true }
one < some # => true (one is a strict subset of some)
some > some # => false
some >= some # => true
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