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Created December 20, 2019 11:19
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import numpy as np
import torch
w* = \argmin_{w\in R^L} \delta_\Delta(w) + \frac12 (w-v)^T H (w-v)
where H is diagonal (represented as array)
def scaled_proj(v, H):
N, L = v.size()
Hv = H * v
Hv_, ind = Hv.sort(dim=1, descending=True)
ind_ = ind + torch.arange(start=0, end=N*L, step=L).view(N, 1).repeat(1, L)
v_ = torch.take(v, ind_).view(N, L)
H_ = torch.take(H.repeat(N, 1), ind_).view(N, L)
sum_inv_H_ = torch.cumsum(torch.reciprocal(H_), -1) # !!!
sum_v_ = torch.cumsum(v_, -1)
potential_lambda = (torch.reciprocal(sum_inv_H_)) * (1-sum_v_)
test = Hv_ + potential_lambda > 0
range = torch.arange(1, L+1).repeat(N, 1)
over_0 = test * range
rho = torch.argmax(over_0, 1)
rho_ = rho + torch.arange(start=0, end=N*L, step=L)
right_lambda = torch.take(potential_lambda, rho_)
right_lambda_ = right_lambda.view(N, 1).repeat(1, L)
w = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(v), v + (right_lambda_ / H.repeat(N, 1)))
return w
if __name__ == '__main__':
N, L = 10, 4
v = torch.randn(N, L)
H = torch.arange(start=1, end=L+1, dtype=torch.float)
w = scaled_proj(v, H)
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