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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Proposal for Yii2 database migration script to automatically regenerate model classes

Yii has some great features for simplifying and automating portions of development. Two key areas are...

  • Gii generating model classes based on table schemas
  • Using the yiic migrate command to manage schema changes

I am proposing two enhancements to these areas. For Gii model generation, I suggest that it create separate Base and extending classes ( In this Gist I propose that the migration support is enhanced to add a parameter for automatically regenerating the base classes for affected (or all) tables.

My ideal workflow would be:

  1. ./yiic migrate create create_table_user // migration for creating a table named 'user'
  2. Edit the migration file to define the schema for the 'user' table
  3. Execute the migration: ./yiic migrate --gii-create-classes
  4. With the flag --gii-create-classes provided, migrate would work with Gii to generate two class files: UserBase and User. UserBase would match the file that Gii currently generates and User would be an empty class that extends UserBase.
  5. ./yiic migrate create alter_user_table // create migration to modify the table named 'user'
  6. Edit the migration file to alter the table
  7. Execute the migration: ./yiic migrate --gii-create-classes
  8. With the flag --gii-create-classes provided, gii sees that the extending class already exists so it only recreates the Base class

With this flow I'm able to focus on my database schemas/migrations and Yii/Gii takes care of model class file (re)generation.

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