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Created June 1, 2020 20:42
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Represent 4 ways to represent spatial in JSON-LD
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Here's s slight revision of the code. Adds a dcat:conformsTo link to a profile specification for conventions on how the "" type is actually implemented in this doc. Use rdfs label and description since they are more general than the entities. Uses schema:about to link to a JSON doc with sample location. Invent a local namespace 'igsn' for the sample description profile, and an igsn:sampleLocation property of core/sample, whose value is an array of different representations of the sample location. Note the example doesn't handle the vertical extent of the core sample. the Geoblob keys need a namespace don't they?

    "@context": {
        "@version": 1.1,
        "geoblob": {
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "@json"
        "rdfs": "",
        "geosparql": "",
        "schema": "",
		"igsn" : ""
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "",
    "dcat:conformsTo": <URI for core sample description conventions>,  
    "rdfs:label": "BoreholeCoreID",
    "rdfs:description": "This is a representation of physical core sample from somewhere on Earth",
            "schema:url": "",
            "@type": "schema:DigitalDocument",
            "schema:format": [
            "schema:conformsTo": ""
	"igsn:SampleLocation": [
		"geosparql:hasGeometry": {
			"@id": "_:N98e75cacc29f40deb555eb583cb162dc",
			"@type": "",
			"geosparql:asWKT": {
				"@type": "",
				"@value": "POINT(-76 -18)"
			"geosparql:crs": {
				"@id": ""
		"geoblob": {
			"type": "GeometryCollection",
			"geometries": [{
				"type": "Point",
				"coordinates": [-76, -18]
		"schema:location": {
			"@type": "schema:Place",
			"schema:geo": {
			  "@type": "schema:GeoCoordinates",
			  "schema:latitude": -18,
			  "schema:longitude": -76

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