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Created September 8, 2015 21:59
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package main
import (
func init() {
func TestFils(t *testing.T) {
log.Println("Ready to connect")
testDb, err := sql.Open("ora", "USER/PASSWORD@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xx.xx.xx.xx)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=xx.xx.xx.xx)))")
if err != nil {
log.Printf(`Error with : %s`, err)
defer testDb.Close()
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(precision=5, scale=0, asdecimal=False), 'name': u'leg', 'nullable': False},
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(precision=6, scale=0, asdecimal=False), 'name': u'site', 'nullable': False}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': VARCHAR(length=1), 'name': u'hole', 'nullable': False}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(precision=5, scale=0, asdecimal=False), 'name': u'core', 'nullable': False}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': VARCHAR(length=1), 'name': u'core_type', 'nullable': False}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(precision=2, scale=0, asdecimal=False), 'name': u'section_number', 'nullable': False}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': VARCHAR(length=2), 'name': u'section_type', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'top_cm', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'bot_cm', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'depth_mbsf', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'inor_c_wt_pct', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'caco3_wt_pct', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'tot_c_wt_pct', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'org_c_wt_pct', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'nit_wt_pct', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'name': u'sul_wt_pct', 'nullable': True}
// {'default': None, 'autoincrement': True, 'type': NUMBER(asdecimal=False), 'nam e': u'h_wt_pct', 'nullable': True
testDb.Exec(`DROP TABLE test_janus`)
if _, err := testDb.Exec(`CREATE TABLE test_janus (
leg NUMBER(5),
site NUMBER(6),
hole VARCHAR2(1),
core NUMBER(5),
core_type VARCHAR2(1),
section_number NUMBER(2),
section_Type VARCHAR2(2) NULL,
top_cm NUMBER(6,3) NULL,
bot_cm NUMBER(6,3) NULL,
depth_mbsf NUMBER NULL,
inor_c_wt_pct NUMBER NULL,
caco3_wt_pct NUMBER NULL,
tot_c_wt_pct NUMBER NULL,
org_c_wt_pct NUMBER NULL,
nit_wt_pct NUMBER NULL,
sul_wt_pct NUMBER NULL,
h_wt_pct NUMBER(6,3) NULL
)`); err != nil {
if _, err := testDb.Exec(`INSERT INTO test_janus (
leg, site, hole, core, core_type, section_number,
section_type, top_cm, bot_cm, depth_mbsf,
inor_c_wt_pct, caco3_wt_pct, tot_c_wt_pct,
org_c_wt_pct, nit_wt_pct, sul_wt_pct, h_wt_pct)
VALUES (207, 1259, 'C', 3, 'B', 4, '@', 5.2, NULL, 7.6, 8., 9., 10., 11., NULL , 13., 14.)`,
); err != nil {
if _, err := testDb.Exec(`INSERT INTO test_janus (
leg, site, hole, core, core_type, section_number,
section_type, top_cm, bot_cm, depth_mbsf,
inor_c_wt_pct, caco3_wt_pct, tot_c_wt_pct,
org_c_wt_pct, nit_wt_pct, sul_wt_pct, h_wt_pct)
VALUES (171, 1049, 'B', 3, 'B', 4.2, '@', NULL, 6.12, 7.12, 8, 9.99, NULL, 11., NULL , 0.8, 0.42)`,
); err != nil {
qry := `SELECT
leg, site, hole, core, core_type
, section_number, section_type
, top_cm, bot_cm
, depth_mbsf
, inor_c_wt_pct
, caco3_wt_pct
, tot_c_wt_pct
, org_c_wt_pct
, nit_wt_pct
, sul_wt_pct
, h_wt_pct
leg = 171
AND site = 1049
AND hole = 'B'
ORDER BY leg, site, hole, core, section_number, top_cm
// qry := `SELECT
// leg, site, hole, core, core_type
// , section_number, section_type, top_cm, bot_cm
// ocd_chem_carb
// leg = 171
// AND site = 1049
// AND hole = 'B'
// ORDER BY leg, site, hole, core, section_number
// `
// qry := `SELECT
// leg, site, hole, core, core_type
// , section_number, section_type, top_cm, bot_cm
// test_janus
// leg = 207
// AND site = 1259
// AND hole = 'C'
// ORDER BY leg, site, hole, core, section_number
// `
rows, err := testDb.Query(qry)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf(`Error with "%s": %s`, qry, err)
defer rows.Close()
i := 0
for rows.Next() {
var (
Leg int
Site int
Hole string
Core int
Core_type string
Section_number int
Section_type string
Top_cm sql.NullFloat64
Bot_cm sql.NullFloat64
Depth_mbsf sql.NullFloat64
Inor_c_wt_pct sql.NullFloat64
Caco3_wt_pct sql.NullFloat64
Tot_c_wt_pct sql.NullFloat64
Org_c_wt_pct sql.NullFloat64
Nit_wt_pct sql.NullFloat64
Sul_wt_pct sql.NullFloat64
H_wt_pct sql.NullFloat64
if err := rows.Scan(&Leg, &Site, &Hole, &Core, &Core_type, &Section_number, &Section_type, &Top_cm, &Bot_cm, &Depth_mbsf, &Inor_c_wt_pct, &Caco3_wt_pct, &Tot_c_wt_pct, &Org_c_wt_pct, &Nit_wt_pct, &Sul_wt_pct, &H_wt_pct); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("scan %d. record: %v", i, err)
log.Printf("Results: %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v %v", Leg, Site, Hole, Core, Core_type, Section_number, Section_type, Top_cm, Bot_cm, Depth_mbsf, Inor_c_wt_pct, Caco3_wt_pct, Tot_c_wt_pct, Org_c_wt_pct, Nit_wt_pct, Sul_wt_pct, H_wt_pct)
// if err := rows.Scan(&Leg, &Site, &Hole, &Core, &Core_type, &Section_number, &Section_type, &Top_cm, &Bot_cm); err != nil {
// t.Fatalf("scan %d. record: %v", i, err)
// }
// log.Printf("Results: L:%v S:%v H:%v C:%v CT:%v SN:%v ST:%v Top:%v Bot:%v", Leg, Site, Hole, Core, Core_type, Section_number, Section_type, Top_cm, Bot_cm)
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
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