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Last active January 9, 2025 16:48
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Save findepi/04c96f0f60dcc95329f569bb0c44a0cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

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quick build

./mvnw -T2C clean install -nsu -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -Dair.check.skip-all=true -pl '!:trino-server-rpm,!:trino-docs,!:trino-proxy,!:trino-verifier,!:trino-benchto-benchmarks'

run Trino in a container, quickly

docker rm -f trino; docker run --rm -it --name trino -p 8080:8080 trinodb/trino:438

run static code analysis

# checkstyle only
./mvnw -T2C checkstyle:check@checkstyle

# all verifications, including Eerror Prone compiler
./mvnw clean verify -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -Dskip.npm -Dskip.yarn -nsu -P errorprone-compiler -pl '!:trino-server,!:trino-server-rpm,!:trino-docs'

quick build antlr grammar alone

./mvnw antlr4:antlr4 -pl :trino-grammar -nsu

# or all the grammars in the project
./mvnw antlr4:antlr4 -nsu -pl "$(find . -name \*.g4 | sed -e 's@/src/.*@@' -e 's@.*/@:@' -e 's@$@,@' | sort -u)"

kill and remove all docker containers

docker ps -a | tail -n+2 | grep . && docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -f ; docker volume prune -f



extract exception stacktrace from query JSON

# Just top-level exception
jq -r ' .failureInfo | [ .type + ": " + .message, (.stack[] | "    at " + .) ][] ' < query.json

# Full stacktrace
python -c '
import sys
import json
def print_exc(exc, enclosing_stacktrace=(), caption="", prefix=""):
    print("%s%s%s: %s" % (prefix, caption, exc["type"], exc["message"]))
    if "errorCode" in exc:
        print("%s\t\tcode: %s, name: %s" % (prefix, exc["errorCode"]["code"],
    stack_trace = exc["stack"]
    our_stack = unique_stacktrace(stack_trace, enclosing_stacktrace)
    for l in our_stack:
        print("%s\tat %s" % (prefix, l))
    if len(our_stack) < len(stack_trace):
        print("%s\t..." % (prefix, ))
    for s in exc["suppressed"]:
        print_exc(s, stack_trace, "Suppressed: ", prefix + "\t")
    if "cause" in exc:
        print_exc(exc["cause"], stack_trace, "Caused by: ", prefix)
def unique_stacktrace(stack, enclosing):
    stack = list(stack)
    enclosing = list(enclosing)
    while stack and enclosing and stack[-1] == enclosing[-1]:
    return stack
qj = json.load(sys.stdin)
' \
 < query.json

restore Product Test Launcher (ptl) removed by a very important person

# this is required for commands show below
git restore --source=$(git log -1 --format=tformat:%H -- bin/ptl)^ -- bin/ptl

product test env just as product tests do

bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode


bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-postgresql --without-trino
# docker exec -itu postgres ptl-postgresql psql -U test -d test


bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-sqlserver --without-trino
# docker exec -it ptl-sqlserver /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P SQLServerPass1


bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-mysql --without-trino
# docker exec -it ptl-mysql mysql -u test -ptest -D test

git bisect with plain test

git bisect run bash -xeuc '
  ./mvnw clean install -am -pl :trino-tests -T2C -DskipTests \
    -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -Dair.check.skip-all=true || exit 125
  ./mvnw test -pl :trino-tests -Dair.check.skip-all=true -Dtest=TestLocalQueriesA#test

git bisect with product tests

git bisect run bash -xeuc '
  ./mvnw clean install -am -pl \!:trino-server-rpm,\!:trino-docs -DskipTests \
    -Dair.check.skip-all=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -T2C || exit 125
  bin/ptl test run --environment singlenode -- -g tpcds -x quarantine -t q98

run product test quick

# TODO update this
#   java -jar presto-product-tests/target/presto-product-tests-*-executable.jar -c presto-product-tests/src/main/resources/sql-tests -g tpch -t q17

bring up product test env

# restore Product Test Launcher (ptl) removed by a very important person
git restore --source=$(git log -1 --format=tformat:%H -- bin/ptl)^ -- bin/ptl

# get a list of envs
bin/ptl env list

# start an env of your choice, exposing JVM debug port for Trino
bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-hdp3 --debug

# run Trino CLI against the env
client/trino-cli/target/trino-cli-*-executable.jar --debug --server localhost:8080

# run Hive beeline 
docker exec -itu hive ptl-hadoop-master bash -l
echo "press Ctrl+R for bash history search and type 'beeline'"

# run Spark SQL (when dealing with an environment containing Spark image)
docker exec -it ptl-spark spark-sql
# ... and starting in some specific catalog
docker exec -it ptl-spark spark-sql -- --conf spark.sql.defaultCatalog=iceberg_test

check all commits compile

git rebase master -x './mvnw clean package -pl \!:trino-server-rpm,\!:trino-docs -T2C -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true'

sort commits for GitHub

git rebase master -x 'git commit --amend -C HEAD --date="$(date -R)" && sleep 1.05'

rebase commits within PR

This makes GitHub's diff for force-push useful.

git rebase -i master --keep-base

run benchmark from CLI

./mvnw exec:exec -pl :trino-main -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.executable="java" \
    -Dexec.args="-cp %classpath io.trino.operator.output.BenchmarkPartitionedOutputOperator"

network grepping

sudo ngrep -s0 -W byline -d lo0
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findepi commented Mar 31, 2023

thanks @hashhar , applied both.

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I've been using this gist for years.

Google "findepi mvnw quick" then find this gist to copy the first command. Any way we could hack mvnw to create a standard build option @findepi @hashhar? I just want an --quick option that just does a default opinionated run like this :)

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hashhar commented Mar 29, 2024

I just want an --quick option that just does a default opinionated run like this :)

That is what Maven profiles are for. We can add a profile in root pom (or you can add one in your personal settings.xml) with some options. For example I have in my settings.xml a profile that forces Maven Central to be tried first.

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Would it make sense to have the profile in the default pom be set up for various builds like this? The default would be whatever it does today, and then you could have a quick build profile that runs a similar command that Piotr has above?

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losipiuk commented Jul 10, 2024

More bulletproof version for extracting stacktrace from query json.
Allows for either full query json or just part with faiulre. Also allows some garbage around in case you feed it with log line which just contains json payload you care about:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import json
import re

def print_exc(exc, enclosing_stacktrace=(), caption="", prefix=""):
    if ("failureInfo" in exc):
        # if no failureInfo key assume we should treat whole jscon as failure description
        exc = exc["failureInfo"]

    print("%s%s%s: %s" % (prefix, caption, exc["type"], exc["message"]))
    if "errorCode" in exc:
        print("%s\t\tcode: %s, name: %s" % (prefix, exc["errorCode"]["code"],
    stack_trace = exc["stack"]
    our_stack = unique_stacktrace(stack_trace, enclosing_stacktrace)
    for l in our_stack:
        print("%s\tat %s" % (prefix, l))
    if len(our_stack) < len(stack_trace):
        print("%s\t..." % (prefix, ))
    for s in exc["suppressed"]:
        print_exc(s, stack_trace, "Suppressed: ", prefix + "\t")
    if "cause" in exc:
        print_exc(exc["cause"], stack_trace, "Caused by: ", prefix)
def unique_stacktrace(stack, enclosing):
    stack = list(stack)
    enclosing = list(enclosing)
    while stack and enclosing and stack[-1] == enclosing[-1]:
    return stack

tl_json ="(\\{.*\\})",
qj = json.loads(tl_json)

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findepi commented Jul 10, 2024

@losipiuk that's awesome!

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