Source: .
./mvnw -T2C clean install -nsu -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -Dair.check.skip-all=true -pl '!:trino-server-rpm,!:trino-docs,!:trino-proxy,!:trino-verifier,!:trino-benchto-benchmarks'
docker rm -f trino; docker run --rm -it --name trino -p 8080:8080 trinodb/trino:438
# checkstyle only
./mvnw -T2C checkstyle:check@checkstyle
# all verifications, including Eerror Prone compiler
./mvnw clean verify -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -Dskip.npm -Dskip.yarn -nsu -P errorprone-compiler -pl '!:trino-server,!:trino-server-rpm,!:trino-docs'
./mvnw antlr4:antlr4 -pl :trino-grammar -nsu
# or all the grammars in the project
./mvnw antlr4:antlr4 -nsu -pl "$(find . -name \*.g4 | sed -e 's@/src/.*@@' -e 's@.*/@:@' -e 's@$@,@' | sort -u)"
docker ps -a | tail -n+2 | grep . && docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -f ; docker volume prune -f
# Just top-level exception
jq -r ' .failureInfo | [ .type + ": " + .message, (.stack[] | " at " + .) ][] ' < query.json
# Full stacktrace
python -c '
import sys
import json
def print_exc(exc, enclosing_stacktrace=(), caption="", prefix=""):
print("%s%s%s: %s" % (prefix, caption, exc["type"], exc["message"]))
if "errorCode" in exc:
print("%s\t\tcode: %s, name: %s" % (prefix, exc["errorCode"]["code"],
stack_trace = exc["stack"]
our_stack = unique_stacktrace(stack_trace, enclosing_stacktrace)
for l in our_stack:
print("%s\tat %s" % (prefix, l))
if len(our_stack) < len(stack_trace):
print("%s\t..." % (prefix, ))
for s in exc["suppressed"]:
print_exc(s, stack_trace, "Suppressed: ", prefix + "\t")
if "cause" in exc:
print_exc(exc["cause"], stack_trace, "Caused by: ", prefix)
def unique_stacktrace(stack, enclosing):
stack = list(stack)
enclosing = list(enclosing)
while stack and enclosing and stack[-1] == enclosing[-1]:
return stack
qj = json.load(sys.stdin)
' \
< query.json
# this is required for commands show below
git restore --source=$(git log -1 --format=tformat:%H -- bin/ptl)^ -- bin/ptl
bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode
bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-postgresql --without-trino
# docker exec -itu postgres ptl-postgresql psql -U test -d test
bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-sqlserver --without-trino
# docker exec -it ptl-sqlserver /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P SQLServerPass1
bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-mysql --without-trino
# docker exec -it ptl-mysql mysql -u test -ptest -D test
git bisect run bash -xeuc '
./mvnw clean install -am -pl :trino-tests -T2C -DskipTests \
-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -Dair.check.skip-all=true || exit 125
./mvnw test -pl :trino-tests -Dair.check.skip-all=true -Dtest=TestLocalQueriesA#test
git bisect run bash -xeuc '
./mvnw clean install -am -pl \!:trino-server-rpm,\!:trino-docs -DskipTests \
-Dair.check.skip-all=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -T2C || exit 125
bin/ptl test run --environment singlenode -- -g tpcds -x quarantine -t q98
# TODO update this
# java -jar presto-product-tests/target/presto-product-tests-*-executable.jar -c presto-product-tests/src/main/resources/sql-tests -g tpch -t q17
# restore Product Test Launcher (ptl) removed by a very important person
git restore --source=$(git log -1 --format=tformat:%H -- bin/ptl)^ -- bin/ptl
# get a list of envs
bin/ptl env list
# start an env of your choice, exposing JVM debug port for Trino
bin/ptl env up --environment singlenode-hdp3 --debug
# run Trino CLI against the env
client/trino-cli/target/trino-cli-*-executable.jar --debug --server localhost:8080
# run Hive beeline
docker exec -itu hive ptl-hadoop-master bash -l
echo "press Ctrl+R for bash history search and type 'beeline'"
# run Spark SQL (when dealing with an environment containing Spark image)
docker exec -it ptl-spark spark-sql
# ... and starting in some specific catalog
docker exec -it ptl-spark spark-sql -- --conf spark.sql.defaultCatalog=iceberg_test
git rebase master -x './mvnw clean package -pl \!:trino-server-rpm,\!:trino-docs -T2C -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true'
git rebase master -x 'git commit --amend -C HEAD --date="$(date -R)" && sleep 1.05'
This makes GitHub's diff for force-push useful.
git rebase -i master --keep-base
./mvnw exec:exec -pl :trino-main -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.executable="java" \
-Dexec.args="-cp %classpath io.trino.operator.output.BenchmarkPartitionedOutputOperator"
sudo ngrep -s0 -W byline -d lo0
thanks @hashhar , applied both.