/* |
* The animation at the start, made from my previous pen |
* https://codepen.io/EightArmsHQ/pen/HJsav |
*/ |
// The base speed per character |
time_setting = 30; |
// How much to 'sway' (random * this-many-milliseconds) |
random_setting = 100; |
// The text to use NB use \n not real life line breaks! |
input_text = "How fast can you type?"; |
// Where to fill up |
target_setting = $("#output"); |
// Launch that function! |
type(input_text, target_setting, 0, time_setting, random_setting); |
function type(input, target, current, time, random){ |
// If the current count is larger than the length of the string, then for goodness sake, stop |
if(current > input.length){ |
// Write Complete |
console.log("Complete."); |
} |
else{ |
// console.log(current) |
// Increment the marker |
current += 1; |
// fill the target with a substring, from the 0th character to the current one |
target.text(input.substring(0,current)); |
// Wait ... |
setTimeout(function(){ |
// do the function again, with the newly incremented marker |
type(input, target, current, time, random); |
// Time it the normal time, plus a random amount of sway |
},time + Math.random()*random); |
} |
} |
/* |
* The typing test stuff |
*/ |
var character_length = 31; |
var index = 0; |
var letters = $("#input_text").val(); |
var started = false; |
var current_string = letters.substring(index, index + character_length); |
var wordcount = 0; |
$("html, body").click(function(){ |
$("#textarea").focus(); |
}); |
$("#target").text(current_string); |
$(window).keypress(function(evt){ |
if(!started){ |
start(); |
started = true; |
} |
evt = evt || window.event; |
var charCode = evt.which || evt.keyCode; |
var charTyped = String.fromCharCode(charCode); |
if(charTyped == letters.charAt(index)){ |
if(charTyped == " "){ |
wordcount ++; |
$("#wordcount").text(wordcount); |
} |
index ++; |
current_string = letters.substring(index, index + character_length); |
$("#target").text(current_string); |
$("#your-attempt").append(charTyped); |
if(index == letters.length){ |
wordcount ++; |
$("#wordcount").text(wordcount); |
$("#timer").text(timer); |
if(timer == 0){ |
timer = 1; |
} |
wpm = Math.round(wordcount / (timer / 60)); |
$("#wpm").text(wpm); |
stop(); |
finished(); |
} |
}else{ |
$("#your-attempt").append("<span class='wrong'>" + charTyped + "</span>"); |
errors ++; |
$("#errors").text(errors); |
} |
}); |
var timer = 0; |
var wpm = 0; |
var errors = 0; |
var interval_timer; |
$("#reset").click(function(){ |
reset(); |
}); |
$("#change").click(function(){ |
$("#input_text").show().focus(); |
}); |
$("#pause").click(function(){ |
stop(); |
}); |
$("#input_text").change(function(){ |
reset(); |
}); |
function start(){ |
interval_timer = setInterval(function(){ |
timer ++; |
$("#timer").text(timer); |
wpm = Math.round(wordcount / (timer / 60)); |
$("#wpm").text(wpm); |
}, 1000) |
} |
function stop(){ |
clearInterval(interval_timer); |
started = false; |
} |
function reset(){ |
$("#input_text").blur().hide();; |
$("#your-attempt").text(""); |
index = 0; |
errors = 0; |
clearInterval(interval_timer); |
started = false; |
letters = $("#input_text").val(); |
$("#wpm").text("0"); |
$("#timer").text("0"); |
$("#wordcount").text("0"); |
timer = 0; |
wpm = 0; |
current_string = letters.substring(index, index + character_length); |
$("#target").text(current_string); |
} |
function finished(){ |
alert("Congratulations!\nWords per minute: " + wpm + "\nWordcount: " + wordcount + "\nErrors:" + errors); |
} |
var window_focus; |
$(window).focus(function() { |
window_focus = true; |
}).blur(function() { |
window_focus = false; |
}); |
$(document).ready(function(){ |
if(window_focus){ |
$("#focus").hide(); |
} |
$(window).focus(function() { |
$("#focus").hide(); |
}); |
}); |