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Created March 23, 2015 02:51
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Height Equalizer – new Equializer('.elements') will keep all elements the same height
class @Equalizer
constructor: (selector) ->
@init $(selector)
init: ($collection)->
@attachTo($collection) if $collection.length
attachTo: ($collection) ->
@collection = $collection
@setTimeoutFunction(@equalizeHeight, @collection)
setTimeoutFunction: (fn, param) ->
$(window).resize ->
clearTimeout a
a = setTimeout((->
), 50)
equalizeHeight: (collection)->
max = -Infinity
collection.height ''
collection.each ->
h = $(@).height()
max = h if h > max
collection.height max + 'px'
(function() {
this.Equalizer = (function() {
function Equalizer(selector) {
Equalizer.prototype.init = function($collection) {
if ($collection.length) {
return this.attachTo($collection);
Equalizer.prototype.attachTo = function($collection) {
this.collection = $collection;
return this.setTimeoutFunction(this.equalizeHeight, this.collection);
Equalizer.prototype.setTimeoutFunction = function(fn, param) {
$(window).resize(function() {
var a;
return a = setTimeout((function() {
return fn(param);
}), 50);
return fn(param);
Equalizer.prototype.equalizeHeight = function(collection) {
var max;
max = -Infinity;
collection.each(function() {
var h;
h = $(this).height();
if (h > max) {
return max = h;
return collection.height(max + 'px');
return Equalizer;
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