These have been grouped into a number of sections as it relates to React Native
- Mobile best practices on both iOS and Android
- The new wax on, wax off - Read more source code.
- Taking mobile apps from concept to production.
- Resolving git merge conflicts and other concepts from Oh shit, Git et al.
- Optimizing animations.
- Redux egghead notes summary.
- On GitHub READmes.
- Native Modules in Kotlin and Swift.
- On React (insert new version number here).
- Replit with React Native.
- Building custom hooks (w/ e.g's).
- Small TS tips (probably a mini-series, includes: RO-props, Mapped types, Array Types, Literal Types and Intersection Types, Union Types and optional props, generics).
- React Native bridging cheatsheet.
- Understanding Animated API by building some examples, like the StarBucks progress bar.
- Storybook with React Native.
- Weaponizing pseudocode.
- Ways RN has unnecessary rendering cycles.
- Writing an expo config-plugin.
- Writing a type declaration file for TS.
- On TDD: Tips, tricks and whatnot.
- "Hidden" RN libs w/ use cases.
- Git workflows for the RN developer.
- Learning languages faster (Hack on the Feynman method)
- On KeyboardAvoiding View (update: TODO show NetGuru article that does a pretty good job already.)
- Working with Databases in React Native.
- JWT authentication in React Native.
- Performance Optimization in React Native. This will basically summarize learnings from the PDF released by CallStack.
- On i18n.
- RN-splash-screen vs RN-boot-splash.
- An exercise in refactoring: Turning bad code to "good" code.
- Caching images in React Native.
- BLE GATT(Bluetooth) communication in React Native.
- Another database article in the works: PostgresSQL vs Firebase.
- RN pet peeves.
- Media Player in React Native.
- Hardware integration in React Native (This comes MUCH later)
- Understanding Flexbox.
- Debugging in React Native(*)
- Drag and Drop implementation in React Native.
- Creating a referral system in RN.
- Optimal linting configurations.
- Properly googling RN errors. (Book: Googling the error message - The practical ****)
- Digging into unfamiliar codebases (probably a further exposition on reading source code.)
- Debugging React/Redux apps (follow the data flow.)
- Using Git effectively (probably follow-up on earlier git article, to be separated into varous levels, such as Entry -> Mid -> Senior)
- On a daily work journal.
- Tip: setting up aliases.
- Building a CI/CD pipelines and the options available.
- Understanding Design System principles (possible summary on book read on the topic.)
- Redux vs MobX vs MST.
- Structuring a React Native project.
- On integrating 3rd party libraries.
- Initial thoughts on RN for web.
- Debounce w/ RN.
- Testing inputs* with RNTL.
- Using custom sound file to local (push) notifications in Expo React Native.
- Why fonts matter.
- Unstanding fringe hooks (This may include any of these: useCallback, memos, useFocusEffect, useLayoutEffect).
- Little animation exmaples (put list here:)
- Hacking Language learning w/ programming language learning (experimental)
- Kotlin/Java takes from a RN developer.
- Notes on reading legacy codes.
- 5* hooks I've come across and use-cases.
- Systems Design for a RN developer.