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Forked from MontyThibault/example.js
Created December 11, 2018 15:36
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Simplified Octree/Quadtree Partitioning in THREE.js
// Create the tree
var box = new THREE.Box3(new THREE.Vector3(-25, -25, -25), new THREE.Vector3(25, 25, 25));
var tree = new Octree(box, {
maxDepth: 10,
splitThreshold: 5,
joinThreshold: 3
// Add children the same way you would any other regular object.
var myObject = new THREE.Object3D();
myObject.position.set(10, 20, -15);
// The tree will update and subdivide itself automatically
for(var i = 0, obj; i < 100; i++) {
obj = new THREE.Object3D();
obj.position.set(Math.random() - 0.5, Math.random() - 0.5, Math.random() - 0.5);
// To find the subdivision of a particular object
// To remove an object (either way works)
// To get the objects that all belong to a subdivision
// To update an object after it has moved (either way works)
// To get the bounding box of a subdivision;;
// To find the subdivision that would hold a certain point
var subtree = tree.point(new THREE.Vector3(15, 20, -5));
// To split and join a subdivision manually
// To update manually
// To prevent automatic updating whenever objects are added/removed
tree.add(obj, false);
tree.remove(obj, false);
// To generate a visualization mesh for the tree
var mesh = tree.generateGeometry();
* A special scenegraph object to implement octree division for its children.
* This works for quadtrees and binary trees as well, just set the boundary box
* coordinates `-Infinity` and `Infinity` for the dimension(s) you want to
* ignore.
* @class Octree
* @constructor
* @extends THREE.Object3D
* @author Monty Thibault
function Octree(box, config) {;
this.divided = false; = box || new THREE.Box3();
this.config = config || {};
this.config.maxDepth = this.config.maxDepth || 5;
this.config.splitThreshold = this.config.splitThreshold || 10;
this.config.joinThreshold = this.config.joinThreshold || 5;
Octree.prototype = Object.create(THREE.Object3D.prototype);
Octree.prototype.constructor = Octree;
* Emulates the standard `object.add` API found in THREE.js. Automatically sorts
* the object into the appropriate region of the tree.
* @returns true on success, false if the object is not within bounds
Octree.prototype.add = function(object, update) {
if( {
if(this.divided) {
var region;
for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
region = this.children[i];
if(region.add(object, update)) {
return true;
} else {, object);
(update !== false) && this.update();
return true;
return false;
* Emulates the standard `object.remove` API found in THREE.js.
Octree.prototype.remove = function(object, update) {
if(object.parent !== this) {
object.parent.remove(object, update);
}, object);
if(this.parent instanceof Octree) {
(update !== false) && this.parent.update();
* Returns the region that the given point belongs to, without adding it as an
* object
Octree.prototype.point = function(vec) {
if( {
if(this.divided) {
var region;
for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
region = this.children[i].point(vec);
if(region) {
return region;
} else {
return this;
return false;
* Splits this object into several smaller regions and sorts children
* appropriately. This only performs the operation 1 level deep.
Octree.prototype.split = function() {
if(this.divided || (this.config.maxDepth <= 1)) return false;
var config = {
joinThreshold: this.config.joinThreshold,
splitThreshold: this.config.splitThreshold,
maxDepth: this.config.maxDepth - 1
var regions = this.generateRegions(),
objects = this.children;
this.children = [];
for(var i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) {, new Octree(regions[i], config));
this.divided = true;
for(i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
objects[i].parent = undefined;
this.add(objects[i], false);
return true;
* Merges child regions back into this one.
Octree.prototype.join = function() {
if(!this.divided) return false;
var newChildren = [];
for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
newChildren = newChildren.concat(this.children[i].children);
this.children = newChildren;
this.divided = false;
* Determines the new bounding boxes when this will be split. (8 octants if
* using an octree and 4 quadrants if using a quadtree)
Octree.prototype.generateRegions = function() {
var regions = [],
center =,
i, l, boxA, boxB;
if(isFinite( {
boxA = regions[0];
boxB = boxA.clone();
boxA.max.x = center.x;
boxB.min.x = center.x;
// The first box is already part of the array
if(isFinite( {
for(i = 0, l = regions.length; i < l; i++) {
boxA = regions[i];
boxB = boxA.clone();
boxA.max.y = center.y;
boxB.min.y = center.y;
if(isFinite( {
for(i = 0, l = regions.length; i < l; i++) {
boxA = regions[i];
boxB = boxA.clone();
boxA.max.z = center.z;
boxB.min.z = center.z;
return regions;
* Splits or joins the tree if there are too many/few children in this region.
Octree.prototype.update = function() {
var totalChildren = 0;
if(this.divided) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
totalChildren += this.children[i].update();
if(totalChildren <= this.config.joinThreshold) {
} else {
totalChildren = this.children.length;
if(totalChildren >= this.config.splitThreshold) {
if(this.split()) {
// If it split successfully, see if we can do it again
return totalChildren;
* Sorts object into the correct region. This should be called on objects that
* may have moved out of their regions since the last update. Since it will be
* called frequently, this method does not update the octree structure.
Octree.prototype.updateObject = function(object) {
// If object is no longer inside this region
if(! {
object.parent.remove(object, false);
// Loop through parent regions until the object is added successfully
var oct = object.parent.parent;
while(oct instanceof Octree) {
if(oct.add(object, false)) {
oct = oct.parent;
* Generates a wireframe object to visualize the tree.
Octree.prototype.generateGeometry = function() {
var container = new THREE.Object3D();
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: 0x000000,
wireframe: true });
this.traverse(function(object) {
if(object instanceof Octree) {
var size =,
center =;
var geo = new THREE.CubeGeometry(
isFinite(size.x) ? size.x : 0,
isFinite(size.y) ? size.y : 0,
isFinite(size.z) ? size.z : 0,
1, 1, 1);
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geo, material);
isFinite(center.x) ? center.x : 0,
isFinite(center.y) ? center.y : 0,
isFinite(center.z) ? center.z : 0);
return container;
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