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Last active July 9, 2018 08:30
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  • Save fish8/ad638e9da1a638378494f2d764f7baf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fish8/ad638e9da1a638378494f2d764f7baf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
create internal/external table on hive #hive #ss
`jid` int,
`uid` bigint,
`hits` int,
`max_mps` double)
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
location '/user/ss_deploy/hive.db/dm_taozt/j_crh04_30';
-- charactoristic speed origninal
`jid` int,
`uid` bigint,
`jvps` int,
`crh_hits` int,
`speed3` string,
`s_order` string,
`sec` double,
`distance` double)
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
location '/user/ss_deploy/workspace/wqj/speedJvp';
-- split comma delimited speeds '32,454.323,23.1212'
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
SELECT jid, uid, jvps, sec, distance, max(cast(s as double)) mps_c
FROM (SELECT * FROM j_cspeed_org LATERAL VIEW explode(split(speed3,',')) t1 as s) x
group by jid,uid,jvps,sec,distance;
create external table ch_1(
cell_id int,
chr_hits int,
jvp_hits int,
crh_rate double,
crh_prob double
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
location '/user/ss_deploy/hive.db/dm_taozt/ch_1';
CREATE TABLE j_cspeed_1
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select *, 0.1*exp(76.9-mps_c)/power((1+exp(76.9-mps_c)),1.01) crh_prob from j_cspeed
-- iter epoch 1
drop table if exists j_crh_1;
create table j_crh_1
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select cs.uid, cs.jid, cs.jvps,cs.sec, cs.distance, cs.mps_c, cs.crh_prob speed_priori,
count(distinct v.cell_id) crh_hits,
) crh_prob,
) crh_prob_nospeed
from j_cspeed_1 cs inner join cip.journey_via_point_single v on cs.uid=v.user_id and cs.jid=v.journey_id
inner join ch_1 on v.cell_id=ch_1.cell_id
where v.province='011' and v.date_dt=20180601
group by cs.uid, cs.jid, cs.jvps,cs.sec, cs.distance, cs.mps_c, cs.crh_prob;
drop table if exists hit_crh04_30;
create table hit_crh04_30
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select jvp.cell_id,count(*) crh_hits
from j_crh04_30 h inner join cip.journey_via_point_single jvp on h.jid=jvp.journey_id and h.uid=jvp.user_id
where jvp.date_dt=20180601 and jvp.province='011'
group by jvp.cell_id;
drop table if exists hit04_30_plus;
create table hit04_30_plus
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select distinct h.cell_id, h.crh_hits, v.jvp_hits, h.crh_hits/v.jvp_hits crh_rate, c.lat_wgs84, c.lon_wgs84,, c.site_type, c.service_to
from hit_crh04_30 h
inner join cip.cellref_single c on h.cell_id=c.cell_id
inner join hit_jvp0 v on h.cell_id=v.cell_id
where c.date_dt=20180601 and c.province='011';
-- sorted jvp, on user and time
drop table if exists jvp_sorted_04_30;
create table jvp_sorted_04_30
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select v.user_id, v.journey_id, v.journey_via_point_id, v.cell_id, v.location_id, v.start_dt, v.journey_via_point_type_id,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by v.user_id, v.start_dt) ts_jvp_id
from j_crh04_30 h inner join cip.journey_via_point_single v on h.uid=v.user_id and h.jid=v.journey_id
where v.province='011' and v.date_dt=20180601;
drop table if exists jvp_sorted_all;
create table jvp_sorted_all
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select v.user_id, v.journey_id, v.journey_via_point_id, v.cell_id, v.location_id, v.start_dt, v.journey_via_point_type_id,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by v.user_id order by v.start_dt) ts_jvp_id
from cip.journey_via_point_single v
where v.province='011' and v.date_dt=20180601;
-- transfer matrix
drop table if exists crh_cell_trans_04_30;
create table crh_cell_trans_04_30
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select a.cell_id from_cell_id, b.cell_id to_cell_id, count(distinct a.ts_jvp_id) `n`,
sum(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt))/count(distinct a.ts_jvp_id) time_avg,
max(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt)) time_max,
min(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt)) time_min,
percentile(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt),0.5) time_median
from jvp_sorted_04_30 a inner join jvp_sorted_04_30 b on a.user_id=b.user_id and a.ts_jvp_id+1=b.ts_jvp_id
group by a.cell_id, b.cell_id;
drop table if exists crh_cell_trans_all;
create table crh_cell_trans_all
row format delimited fields terminated by '|' Lines terminated by '\n' null defined as '' stored as textfile
select if(x.cell_id is null, -1, a.cell_id) from_cell_id, if(y.cell_id is null, -1,b.cell_id) to_cell_id, count(distinct a.ts_jvp_id) `n`,
sum(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt))/count(distinct a.ts_jvp_id) time_avg,
max(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt)) time_max,
min(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt)) time_min,
percentile(unix_timestamp(b.start_dt)-unix_timestamp(a.start_dt),0.5) time_median
from jvp_sorted_all a inner join jvp_sorted_all b on a.user_id=b.user_id and a.ts_jvp_id+1=b.ts_jvp_id
left join hit_crh04_30 x on a.cell_id=x.cell_id
left join hit_crh04_30 y on b.cell_id=y.cell_id
group by if(x.cell_id is null, -1, a.cell_id), if(y.cell_id is null, -1,b.cell_id);
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