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Last active November 19, 2015 14:16
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Deployment notes for Ubuntu Instance Nginx, uwsgi, postgres, django, virtualenv stack
Deployment notes for Ubuntu Instance
Nginx, uwsgi, postgres, django, virtualenv stack
* ssh root
root access (need pem)
ssh -i whatever.pem ubuntu@ec2-*-*-*-*
* secure box
- cut off all ports but 22 and 80 using AWS Management Console
- edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config ensure PasswordAuthentication no
* add users
- create: on instance sudo useradd username -m -s /bin/bash
- password: sudo passwd username
- sudo group: sudo adduser <username> sudo
- create ssh keys: ssh-keygen -t rsa
* ssh devs
- copy over local users public key
- add to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- chmod 700 on ~/.ssh, chmod 600 on authorized_keys
- ssh whatever@ec2-*-*-*-*
- add to ~/.ssh/config
Host whatever
User whatever
HostName ec2-*-*-*-*
- now: ssh whatever
* set up environment for hosting
- screen: modify ~/.screenrc
caption always "%{Wb} %H %{Bk}| %{Ck}%-w%50>%{Cb} %n %t %{-}%+w%<%{- Wk}%{Bk} | %=%{Wb} %C "
- install setuptools, pip, and virtualenv:
curl | sudo python
curl | sudo python
sudo pip install virtualenv
- setup virtualenv for app
1. cd ~/
2. virtualenv --no-site-packages
3. activate by: `source bin/activate`
- install & configure uwsgi and nginx
1. sudo -s
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
4. nginx=stable # use nginx=development for latest development version
5. add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/$nginx
6. apt-get update
7. apt-get install nginx
- Git / pull down application code
1. cd ~/
2. sudo apt-get install git
3. git config --global color.ui true
4. add public key of application user to github repo if need be
5. git clone [email protected]:whatever/whatevers.git
- postgres
1. sudo apt-get install postgresql
2. sudo -u postgres createuser whatever
3. sudo -u postgres psql
4. create database whatever;
5. alter user whatever password 'whatever'; # may need to edit /etc/postgres/../pg_hba.conf and make peer to md5 for password
6. test connection; `psql`
- psycopg2
1. pip install psycopg2
2. may need to
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
1. pip install PIL
w/ jpeg support
1. sudo apt-get install libjpeg62-dev
2. cd /usr/lib
3. sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/
4. sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/
- installing python packages
1. pip install whatever
- Spinning Up App
1. python syncdb
2. python migrate
3. test using python runserver (ensure port is opened)
4. dump local data, pg_dump dbname > output.sql
5. restore data psql dbname < output.sql
- uwsgi
1. pip install uwsgi
- Wiring up uwsgi and nginx
1. create ~/
2. create ~/, point these in nginx.conf
3. create ~/
4. ln -s /path/to/admin_tools/media/ admin_tools
5. start uwsgi `uwsgi -s -H /home/whatever/ -w whatever.wsgi -M`
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