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Created January 9, 2013 21:01
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configuración básica nginx y pelican
server {
#redirigiendo feed
rewrite ^/feed/ /feed.rss.xml permanent;
#redirigiendo about
rewrite ^/about/ /about.html permanent;
#redirigiendo feed de categoria
rewrite ^/category/([a-z-\d-\¿-\¡]+)/feed/ /category/$1.rss.xml permanent;
location / {
#redirigiendo entradas viejas hacia urls nuevas (solo se agrega el .html)
rewrite ^/(\d+)/(\d+)/([a-z-\d-\¿-\¡]+)/ /$1/$2/$3.html permanent;
#conservando ruta de imagenes y archivos cargados
location /wp-content/ {
alias /home/fitoria/wordpress/wp-content/;
location /theme/{
expires 720h;
error_page 404 /404.html;
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