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Created January 24, 2022 21:03
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-- stack --resolver lts-18.18 script --package pqueue --package aeson --package containers
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -O2 #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.PQueue.Max as MQ
getSignature :: String -> String -> String
getSignature guess solution =
let list1 = zipWith (==) guess solution
unmatched = map snd $ filter (not . fst) $ zip list1 solution
in reverse $ fst $ foldl' folder ("", unmatched) $ zip list1 guess
folder :: (String, [Char]) -> (Bool, Char) -> (String, [Char])
folder (acc, unmatched) (isEq, guessC)
| isEq = ('G' : acc, unmatched)
| guessC `elem` unmatched = ('Y' : acc, delete guessC unmatched)
| otherwise = ('B' : acc, unmatched)
-- Gets the "remaining entropy" left in the pool of possible solutions. To compare with
-- most "entropy based" solutions online, you'll likely need
-- (logBase 2.0 wlen - getEntropy guess possibleSolutions)
-- Also, most entropy-based solutions will refer to "maximizing entropy" whereas of course
-- what we do with this code is minimize the output of this function.
getEntropy :: String -> [String] -> Double
getEntropy guess possibleWords =
let wlen = fromIntegral $ length possibleWords
sigmap = M.fromListWith (+) $ map (\k -> (getSignature guess k, 1::Int)) possibleWords
in sum $ map ((\n -> logBase 2.0 n * n / wlen) . fromIntegral . snd) $ M.toList sigmap
getEntropy2 :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> [(String, String, Double)]
getEntropy2 guess1 possibleGuess2 possibleSolutions =
let wlen = fromIntegral $ length possibleSolutions
sigmap = M.fromListWith (++) $ map (\k -> (getSignature guess1 k, [k])) possibleSolutions
in do
guess2 <- possibleGuess2
let ent = sum $ do
(_, wordSlice) <- M.toList sigmap
let sigmap2 = M.fromListWith (+) $ map (\k -> (getSignature guess2 k, 1)) wordSlice :: Map String Int
pure $ sum $ map ((\n -> logBase 2.0 n * n / wlen) . fromIntegral . snd) $ M.toList sigmap2
pure (guess1, guess2, ent)
bottomN :: (Ord a) => Int -> [a] -> [a]
bottomN szLim lst = MQ.toAscList (go MQ.empty lst)
go q [] = q
go q (a : as) =
let nqueue = MQ.insert a q
in if MQ.size nqueue > szLim then go (MQ.deleteMax nqueue) as else go nqueue as
main :: IO ()
main = do
words1' <- eitherDecodeFileStrict "wordle1.json"
words1 <- case words1' of
Left err -> ioError (userError err)
Right x -> pure x
words2' <- eitherDecodeFileStrict "wordle2.json"
words2 <- case words2' of
Left err -> ioError (userError err)
Right x -> pure x
print $ length words1
putStrLn $ "Bits initially " ++ show (logBase 2.0 (fromIntegral $ length words1) :: Double)
putStrLn (getSignature "raise" "cigar")
print $ getEntropy "raise" words1
print $ getEntropy "train" words1
print $ getEntropy "rathe" words1
print $ getEntropy "raree" words1
let goodWords = bottomN 2000 $ map (\k -> (getEntropy k words1, k)) (words1 ++ words2)
mapM_ print $ take 5 $ sort goodWords
mapM_ print $ zip [1::Int ..] $ bottomN 20 $ map (\k -> (getEntropy k words1, k)) words1
print $ getEntropy2 "salon" ["trice"] words1
-- Uncomment only if you can compile this with -O2 and have a bunch of time
-- This hunts for the best two-word pairs, assuming easy mode and assuming the first
-- of the pair is one of the 2000 best single words.
--mapM_ print $ zip [1::Int ..] $ bottomN 50 $ map (\(a, b, c) -> (c, a, b)) $ concatMap ((\w -> getEntropy2 w (words1 ++ words2) words1) . snd) goodWords
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