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Petr Flaks flaksp

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flaksp / JSON Formatter.user.js
Last active February 22, 2025 11:50
JSON Formatter Userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name JSON Formatter
// @description Formats JSON if it's application/json
// @match *://*/*
// ==/UserScript==
const contentType = document.contentType;
const [type, subtype] = contentType.split('/', 2);
flaksp /
Last active September 6, 2024 12:46
This script converts CODEOWNERS file to IDEA Scopes.

CODEOWNERS to IDEA Scope converter

This script converts CODEOWNERS file to IDEA Scopes.

How to use:

  1. Download the script

  2. Place it in the same directory as CODEOWNERS file (or edit the CODEOWNERS_FILE_PATH variable in the script)

flaksp /
Last active April 23, 2024 12:16
Userscript для автоматического редиректа с на

Userscript для автоматического редиректа с на

Юзерскрипт совместим с Userscripts, Tampermonkey, и может быть совместим с другими аналогичными приложениями, которые поддерживают такой формат юзерскриптов.

Как установить

Откройте "Redirect from to" в браузере. Ваше расширение для юзерскриптов поймет, что это юзерскрипт, и предложит его установить. Либо скопируйте содержимое файла и создайте юзерскрипт самостоятельно.

Юзерскрипт будет обновляться автоматически, если я решу его доработать. Если вам не нужно автообновление, то удалите строки @updateURL и @version.

flaksp /
Last active March 10, 2024 12:43
Compilable Needle dependency injection framework example

Compilable Needle RootComponent example

Documentation of the Needle dependency injection framework sucks, and most of articles teaching you how to use it are outdated. That's the reason why it's really hard to write even a minimal-working version of the code that compiles.

This is a simple example of RootComponent that compiles successfully. Based on a code from an article "Dependency Injection with Needle", but modified to make it work.

Bonus: How to configure Xcode

  1. Go to your target
  2. Build Phases
flaksp / HeroImageSlider.swift
Last active March 10, 2024 12:49
Hero Image Slider in SwiftUI with parallax effect
import SwiftUI
struct HeroImageSlider: View {
public let coverHeight: CGFloat
public let imageUrls: [URL]
@State private var pageIndex = 0
private let screenWidth: CGFloat = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
private let cornerRadius: CGFloat = 12
flaksp /
Last active February 12, 2025 07:24
Convert BitWarden JSON export file to Apple iCloud Keychain CSV import file saving TOTP and notes

BitWarden to Apple iCloud Keychain passwords converter

This Python scripts allows you to move your passwords from BitWarden to Apple iCloud.

You need to know:

  • It ignores secure notes, credit cards and other types that are not passwords.
  • It ignores BitWarden entries without usernames, passwords and URLs.
  • It also ignores URLs that do not start with http:// or https://.
  • It normalizes all TOTP tokens, e.g. wskg vtqa h5kl bhb4 v4v2 ybyo woc6 qme2 will be converted to otpauth://totp/[email protected]?secret=WSKGVTQAH5KLBHB4V4V2YBYOWOC6QME2&