I suggest we try, as much as possible to focus our work on browser.c/h and not altering the code of any other file. This way, we can work in a specific branch and have a specific architecture in the file that will merge more efficiently. Then, when we merge, we can split the content of the file into many smaller files if that is relevant, of course.
Yes, or a separate file completely. New file, new history.
Ah, that's a nice suggestion!
Then as it matures, we can change one user of the old browser to the improved browser.
In a new file/directory, rebuild a clean browser application for mutt.
- Keep all functionalities of the current mutt browser
- Refactor all the code to get something coherent.
- Get rid of as much ifdef as possible (being meta is the key)
- The browser is a browser, it doesn't give any signification to its display. It displays and select, that's all.
- Get coherent key bindings
- It has features (sorting, listing, unselectable entries, tagging, …)
- mutt_select_file or else are browsing functions, but high-level ones, these functions are specific and should be defined to rely on more basic functions of the browser. That would reduce the redundancy in the code.
Below are all the ways in which NeoMutt browses things.
- %>X right justify
- %|X pad to the end of the line
- *%X soft-fill
Allow the user to select an address (from an external query). Note: There is no sorting option
- "A" query-append
- "Q" query
- "a" create-alias
- "m" mail
- %a destination address
- %c current entry number
- %e extra information
- %n destination name
- %t tagged?
Allow the user to select an alias. Note: There is no sorting option
- select-entry
- select-entry
- tag-entry
- "d" delete-entry
- "u" undelete-entry
- %a alias name
- %f flags
- %n index number
- %r address which alias expands to
- %t tagged?
Allow the user to select an attachment. Note: Many of the functions apply to the email, not the attachment.
- "^D" toggle-disposition
- "^E" edit-encoding
- "^F" forget-passphrase
- "" view-attach
- "" view-attach
- "^O" rename-attachment
- "^T" edit-type
- "^Xe" edit-file
- "f" edit-from
- "k" attach-key
- "A" attach-message
- "C" copy-file
- "D" detach-file
- "E" edit-headers
- "F" filter-entry
- "G" get-attachment
- "P" postpone-message
- "R" rename-file
- "S" smime-menu
- "T" tag-entry
- "U" update-encoding
- "a" attach-file
- "b" edit-bcc
- "c" edit-cc
- "d" edit-description
- "e" edit-message
- "f" edit-fcc
- "h" display-toggle-weed
- "i" ispell
- "l" print-entry
- "m" edit-mime
- "n" new-mime
- "p" pgp-menu
- "r" edit-reply-to
- "s" edit-subject
- "t" edit-to
- "u" toggle-unlink
- "w" write-fcc
- "y" send-message
- "|" pipe-entry
- %C charset
- %c requires charset conversion
- %D deleted flag
- %d description
- %e MIME content-transfer-encoding
- %F filename in content-disposition header
- %f filename
- %I disposition
- %m major MIME type
- %M MIME subtype
- %n attachment number
- %Q qualifies for attachment counting
- %s size
- %t tagged flag
- %T graphic tree characters
- %u unlink (=to delete) flag
- %X number of MIME parts
Allow the user to select a file or directory.
- Select file only
- Select dir only
- Select file or dir
- Show hidden files/dirs
- Single selection
- Multiple selections
- File mask (filtering)
- Sorting
- toggle-mailboxes
- view-file
- "." buffy-list
- "=" goto-folder
- "@" display-filename
- "C" create-mailbox
- "N" select-new
- "O" sort-reverse
- "T" toggle-subscribed (IMAP)
- "c" change-dir
- "d" delete-mailbox (IMAP)
- "m" enter-mask
- "o" sort
- "r" rename-mailbox (IMAP)
- "s" subscribe (IMAP/NNTP)
- "u" unsubscribe (IMAP/NNTP)
- "y" exit
- %C current file number
- %d date/time folder was last modified
- %D date/time folder was last modified using $date_format.
- %F file permissions
- %f filename (with suffix [/@*])
- %g group name (or numeric gid, if missing)
- %l number of hard links
- %m number of messages in the mailbox
- %N N if mailbox has new mail, blank otherwise
- %n number of unread messages in the mailbox
- %s size in bytes
- %t "*" if the file is tagged, blank otherwise
- %u owner name (or numeric uid, if missing)
Allow the user to select a network mailbox. Note: Currently, this uses $folder_format.
- Sorting
- Toggle between mailbox and filesystem views
- toggle-mailboxes
- view-file
- "." buffy-list
- "=" goto-folder
- "@" display-filename
- "C" create-mailbox
- "N" select-new
- "O" sort-reverse
- "T" toggle-subscribed (IMAP)
- "c" change-dir
- "d" delete-mailbox (IMAP)
- "m" enter-mask
- "o" sort
- "r" rename-mailbox (IMAP)
- "s" subscribe (IMAP/NNTP)
- "u" unsubscribe (IMAP/NNTP)
- "y" exit
- %C current file number
- %d date/time folder was last modified
- %D date/time folder was last modified using $date_format.
- %F file permissions
- %f filename (with suffix [/@*])
- %g group name (or numeric gid, if missing)
- %l number of hard links
- %m number of messages in the mailbox
- %N N if mailbox has new mail, blank otherwise
- %n number of unread messages in the mailbox
- %s size in bytes
- %t "*" if the file is tagged, blank otherwise
- %u owner name (or numeric uid, if missing)
Allow the user to select a message, e.g. for attaching. Note: This spawns a the main index, so the list of possible functions is huge.
- Sorting
- "^D" delete-thread
- "^E" edit-type
- "^F" forget-passphrase
- "" next-new-then-unread
- "" display-message
- "^K" extract-keys
- "" display-message
- "^N" sidebar-next
- "^O" sidebar-open
- "^P" sidebar-prev
- "^R" read-thread
- "^T" untag-pattern
- "^U" undelete-thread
- "" previous-new-then-unread
- "P" check-traditional-pgp
- "V" collapse-all
- "c" change-folder-readonly
- "d" delete-subthread
- "e" resend-message
- "k" mail-key
- "l" show-limit
- "n" next-subthread
- "p" previous-subthread
- "r" read-subthread
- "s" decode-save
- "t" tag-thread
- "u" undelete-subthread
- "v" collapse-thread
- "" display-message
- "#" break-thread
- "$" sync-mailbox
- "%" toggle-write
- "&" link-threads
- "." buffy-list
- "@" display-address
- "C" copy-message
- "D" delete-pattern
- "F" flag-message
- "G" imap-fetch-mail
- "J" next-entry
- "C" copy-message
- "D" delete-pattern
- "F" flag-message
- "G" imap-fetch-mail
- "J" next-entry
- "K" previous-entry
- "L" list-reply
- "N" toggle-new
- "O" sort-reverse
- "P" parent-message
- "Q" query
- "R" recall-message
- "T" tag-pattern
- "U" undelete-pattern
- "V" show-version
- "W" clear-flag
- "Y" edit-label
- "a" create-alias
- "b" bounce-message
- "c" change-folder
- "d" delete-message
- "e" edit
- "f" forward-message
- "g" group-reply
- "h" display-toggle-weed
- "j" next-undeleted
- "k" previous-undeleted
- "l" limit
- "m" mail
- "o" sort-mailbox
- "p" print-message
- "q" quit
- "r" reply
- "s" save-message
- "u" undelete-message
- "v" view-attachments
- "w" set-flag
- "x" exit
- "|" pipe-message
- "~" mark-message
- "" next-undeleted
- "" previous-undeleted
- %a address of the author
- %A reply-to address
- %b filename of the message folder
- %B the list to which the letter was sent
- %c number of characters (bytes) in the message
- %C current message number
- %d date and time of the message in sender's time zone
- %D date and time of the message in the local time zone
- %e current message number in thread
- %E number of messages in current thread
- %f sender (address + real name)
- %F author name, or recipient name
- %g message labels
- %H spam attribute(s)
- %I initials of author
- %i message-id of the current message
- %K the list to which the letter was sent
- %l number of lines in the message
- %L "To "
- %m total number of message in the mailbox
- %M number of hidden messages
- %N message score
- %n author's real name
- %O original save folder
- %P progress indicator for the built-in pager
- %q newsgroup name
- %r list of "To:" recipients
- %R list of "Cc:" recipients
- %s subject of the message
- %S single character status of the message
- %t "To:" field
- %T character from the $to_chars string
- %u user (login) name of the author
- %v first name of the author
- %W name of organization of author
- %x "X-Comment-To:" field
- %X number of attachments
- %y "X-Label:" field, if present
- %Y "X-Label:" field, if present
- %Z a three character set of message status flags.
- %zs message status flags
- %zc message crypto flags
- %zt message tag flags
- %{fmt} date and time of the message is converted to sender's time zone
- %[fmt] date and time of the message is converted to the local time zone
- %(fmt) local date and time when the message was received.
- % current local time
Allow the user to select a PGP key. Note: There is no sorting option
- "%" view-name
- "c" verify-key
- %a algorithm
- %c capabilities
- %f flags
- %k key id
- %l key length
- %n number
- %p protocol
- %t trust/validity
- %u user id
- %[] date of the key
- List of single-line items
- Simple Mutt-like
- Use format string
- List of multi-line items
- e.g. PGP keys (may need variable number of lines):
- Name
- Expiry, validity, etc
- Formatting string
- One with embedded '\n'
- Two, second is optional
- Colouring
- One. Coloured by field
- Two, second is optional
- Does selection highlight first line, or all lines?
- Depends on the caller, then can mark lines selectable
- Do we display partial multi-line rows?
- e.g. PGP keys (may need variable number of lines):
- Header Row
- Use format string to arrange header in the order of the fields
- Highlighting of Header Row field could indicate sort field
- Separators
- Blank - for visual clarity
- Titled - for distinguishing groups of data
- Inserted by the code, not the user
- Flat list
- Simple, understandable
- Nested
- Shallow, 1 or 2 levels of nesting
- Deep: show entire tree
- Threaded emails
- Nested mime attachments
- Paged
- Display entire list
- Caller must *have *the entire list first
- For large mailboxes, this could be many thousands of items
- Display subset of list
- Caller can prepare the visible list as needed
- Need clear visual feedback when the list is incomplete
- How is sorting handled?
- Display entire list
- Nothing
- Browser has ordered list of items
- Caller has formatted them
- Caller has themed them
- Some are selectable
- Knows about separate fields and their types
- Browser could offer sorting
Attributes: foreground colour, background colour, style, e.g. underline
- Browser
- Panel. Default colours for the entire panel
- Header row (if handled by the browser)
- Normal
- Sort field
- Selection
- Current selection
- Cursor position
- Tagged (if handled by the browser)
- Line
- Caller sets attributes for the entire (multi-)line
- Caller sets attributes per line (or sub-line)
- Field
- Caller sets attributes for an entire field
- Caller sets attributes for part(s) of a field
- Search
- Highlight a matching search field (even if the string isn't visible on screen)
- Fold levels:
- Default fold level (like vim)
- Open/close folds manually
- All open by default?
- Caller dependent
- What can we fold?
- nested items, e.g. directories
- multiline rows, e.g. pgp keys
- Need clear visual feedback
If the browser doesn't know about fields, then the searching needs to be done by the caller.
- Search
- On full fields (the on-screen fields might be truncated)
- Search in either direction
- Optionally wrap around
- Highlight
- Optional
- Highlight entire matching field (especially if the field is truncated)
- Highlight match within a field
- Matches:
- No highlight, just move the cursor
- Highlight current match
- Highlight all matches (like vim's hlsearch)
- Limit
- Like search
- Optional highlighting of fields
- Caller hides non-matching rows
**Example: **Search for 'the'
- Highlight field
- Match visible: "weather"
- Match not visible: "today's wea"
- Sub-field
- Match visible: "weather"
- attributes - underline, bold, reverse, etc
- browser - select from a list of items, displayed as rows
- caller - code that creates the entries and handles callbacks from the browser
- colour - foreground, background
- column - same field of multiple items in a list
- cursor - currently selected item
- entry/ies - object representing one item
- field - piece of data belonging to an item
- header - non-selectable row in the browser
- hidden - item in list that shouldn't be displayed
- item - object (in a list) to be selected
- line - one screen line, see row
- list - collection of items
- panel - window containing the browser
- row - one item on screen, may use several lines
- selection - the chosen item
- separator - a non-selectable line in the list
- style - colour or attributes
- visible - item in list that shouldn't be displayed
│ Header │ Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 │
│ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Simple Row │Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 │
│ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Complex Row │Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 │
│ 2nd line │ Some other formatted data │
│ 3rd line │ More data still │
│ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤