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Created April 4, 2010 17:46
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//The game of Snake in Scala
package snake
import javax.swing.{JFrame,JPanel,Timer}
import java.awt.Graphics
import java.awt.event.{ActionEvent,ActionListener,KeyListener,KeyEvent}
import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor._
case class Listen(actor: Actor)
case class SnakeMoved()
object Game extends JFrame
val Height = 30
val Width = 30
val Scale = 10
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//launch the program; start the timer, etc.
val gameBoard = new SnakeDataModel
val view = new View(gameBoard)
val controller = new Controller(gameBoard)
this.setSize(Width * Scale + Scale / 2, Height * Scale + Scale / 2)
class SnakeDataModel extends Actor {
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Vector = (Int, Int)
type Snake = List[Point]
private var handlers : List[Actor] = Nil
var snake: Snake = List()
var apple: Point = (0,0)
//move the segment as specified by dir
private def translate(seg: Point, dir: Vector) : Point = {
(seg._1 + dir._1, seg._2 + dir._2)
private def randomInt(i:Int): Int = (Math.random * i).toInt
def isGameOver = snake.isEmpty
def isAppleInSnake = snake.contains(apple)
//set the snake back to its start position
def resetSnake {
snake = (for (i <- List.range(1,10)) yield (i, 2)) reverse
//move the apple to a random spot on the board, not occupied by the snake
def resetApple {
do apple = (randomInt(Game.Width - 4) + 1, randomInt(Game.Height - 4) + 1)
while (snake.intersect(List(apple)) != List.empty)
//code to handle listeners to SnakeMoved event
def act = {
loop {
react {
case Listen(actor) => handlers = actor :: handlers
//advance one unit in the specified direction; grow forward if the
//apple is eaten.
def move(dir: Vector) {
type sCont = (Snake => Snake)
val newSnake = translate(snake.head, dir) :: snake
def buildSnake(snake: Snake, k: sCont) : Snake = {
val break = k;
def iter(snake: Snake, k: sCont) : Snake = {
(snake: @unchecked) match {
case h :: t if t.contains(h) => break(List())
//ate the apple
case h :: t if h == apple =>
iter(t, s => k(translate(h, dir) :: h :: s))
//truncate the tail
case h :: List() => k(List())
//rest of body remains constant
case h :: t => iter(t, s => k(h :: s))
iter(snake, s => s)
snake = buildSnake(newSnake, s => s)
handlers foreach (_ ! SnakeMoved)
//initialize game state
class Controller(model: SnakeDataModel) extends ActionListener with KeyListener {
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent._
val timer = new Timer(100, this)
var dir = (1,0)
override def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) {
if (model.isAppleInSnake)
if (model.isGameOver) {
dir = (1,0)
override def keyPressed(e: KeyEvent) {
//change direction
dir = e.getKeyCode match {
case VK_LEFT => (-1, 0)
case VK_RIGHT => (1, 0)
case VK_UP => (0, -1)
case VK_DOWN => (0, 1)
case _ => dir
override def keyReleased(e: KeyEvent) {}
override def keyTyped(e: KeyEvent){}
def start {
class View(model: SnakeDataModel) extends JPanel with Actor
override def paintComponent(g : Graphics) {
val scale = Game.Scale
val apple =
g.fillRect(Game.Width * scale, Game.Height * scale, 0, 0)
//draw apple
g.fillRect(apple._1 * scale, apple._2 * scale, scale, scale)
//draw snake
model.snake foreach (seg =>
g.fillRect(seg._1 * scale, seg._2 * scale, scale, scale)
def act = {
loop {
react {
case SnakeMoved => repaint()
model ! Listen(this)
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