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Last active August 12, 2017 01:57
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* Copyright 2016 Naran Inc. All rights reserved.
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(function() {
'use strict';
.service('BleService', BleService);
BleService.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$timeout'];
function BleService($rootScope, $timeout) {
var CONNECTED = 'connected';
var DISCONNECTED = 'disconnected';
var STATUS_CHECKED = 'status_checked';
this.bootstrap = bootstrap;
this.scan = scan;
this.stopScan = stopScan;
this.write = write; = read;
this.startNotification = startNotification;
this.stopNotification = stopNotification;
this.connect = connect;
this.disconnect = disconnect;
this.isConnected = isConnected;
this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
this.enable = enable;
this.checkStatus = checkStatus;
this.pair = pair;
this.showBluetoothSettings = showBluetoothSettings;
this.mibService = '1831';
this.mibChars = '2A91';
this.revealChars = '2A13';
this.ledChars = '2A14';
this.getBoardVersion = '2A20';
this.getVersion = '2A21';
this.removePeerChars = '2A99';
this.statusCheckChars = '2A98';
this.pairChars = '2A90';
this.blackBox = '2A87';
this.setName = '2A97';
this.battChars = '2A19';
this.pushService = '1821';
this.pushChars = '2A11';
this.releaseChars = '2A12';
this.calibrateChars = '2A35';
this.pressChars = '2A18';
this.doToggleChars = '2A77';
this.invert = '2A53';
this.state = '2A15';
var isConnectionGoThrough = null;
function bootstrap(readyCallback) {
console.log('Try initialize BLE service.');
ble.startStateNotifications(function(state) {
console.log("current ble state is: " + state);
$rootScope.$broadcast('ble_state_change', state);
console.log('Initialized BLE service, try checke determine whether or not is enable', state);
if (state === 'on' || state === 'off') {
ble.isEnabled(function() {
console.log("ble is enabled");
}, function() {
console.log("ble is disabled");
} else {
}, function() {
console.log("fail to listen for ble state");
function scan(successCallback, failCallback, second) {
if (!!second) {
ble.scan([], second, function(device) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, device);
}, function(error) {
console.log("ble_scan fails to scan", error);
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
} else {
ble.startScan([], function(device) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, device);
}, function() {
console.log("ble_scan fails to scan", error);
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function stopScan(successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.stopScan(function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function write(deviceId, deviceService, deviceUuid, dataArray, successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.write(deviceId, deviceService, deviceUuid, dataArray.buffer, function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function read(deviceId, deviceService, deviceUuid, successCallback, failCallback) {, deviceService, deviceUuid, function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function startNotification(deviceId, deviceService, deviceUuid, successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.startNotification(deviceId, deviceService, deviceUuid, function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function stopNotification(deviceId, deviceService, deviceUuid, successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.stopNotification(deviceId, deviceService, deviceUuid, function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function connect(deviceId, successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.connect(deviceId, function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
if (!!error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function disconnect(deviceId, successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.disconnect(deviceId, function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function isConnected(deviceId, successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.isConnected(deviceId, function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, true);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, false);
function isEnabled(successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.isEnabled(function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function enable(successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.enable(function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function showBluetoothSettings(successCallback, failCallback) {
ble.showBluetoothSettings(function(res) {
_handleCallback(successCallback, res);
}, function(error) {
_handleCallback(failCallback, error);
function checkStatus(device, success, checkStatusFailure) {
startNotification(, '1831', '2A98', function(buffer) {
var data = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var result = data[0];
var macAddr = data[6].toString(16);
var num;
if (macAddr < 16) {
macAddr = '0' + macAddr;
for (var i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
if (parseInt(data[i]) < 16) {
num = '0' + data[i].toString(16);
} else {
num = data[i].toString(16);
macAddr = macAddr + ':' + num;
console.log("received Push status is: " + result);
success(result, macAddr);
}, function() {
if (checkStatusFailure) {
console.log("fail to receive notification for checkStatus");
//Write status_check data to Push
//first write 4bytes of time data
//then write 16bytes of security data if have
var time = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1000);
var timerArr = new Uint8Array([
(time & 0xff000000) >> 24,
(time & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,
(time & 0x0000ff00) >> 8,
(time & 0x000000ff)
var finalArray = new Uint8Array(20);
finalArray.set(timerArr, 0);
var securityArray;
if (!! {
securityArray = new Uint8Array(;
finalArray.set(securityArray, 4);
} else {
securityArray = new Uint8Array(16);
finalArray.set(securityArray, 4);
console.log("ready to write to checkStatus characteristic");
isConnectionGoThrough = false;
$timeout(function() {
if (isConnectionGoThrough === false) {
console.log("connection DOES NOT go through");
if (checkStatusFailure) {
} else {
}, 20000);
write(, '1831', '2A98', finalArray, function() {
isConnectionGoThrough = true;
console.log("did write check status, now wait for response...");
}, function() {
isConnectionGoThrough = true;
console.log("fail to write check status");
if (checkStatusFailure) {
function pair(pairDevice, successCallback, failResponse, failRequest) {
startNotification(, '1831', '2A90', function(buffer) {
var data = new Uint8Array(buffer);
}, function() {
var deviceId = device.uuid.split(":").join('').split("-").join('').split('');
var deviceIdLength = deviceId.length;
if (deviceIdLength > 32) {
deviceIdLength = 32;
var deviceIdArr1 = new Uint8Array([0]);
var deviceIdArr2 = new Uint8Array([0]);
if (deviceIdLength < 20) {
deviceIdArr1 = new Uint8Array(deviceIdLength + 1);
} else {
deviceIdArr1 = new Uint8Array(20);
deviceIdArr2 = new Uint8Array(deviceIdLength - 20 + 1);
deviceIdArr1[0] = deviceIdLength;
for (var i=0; i<deviceIdLength; i++) {
if (i < 19) {
deviceIdArr1[i+1] = deviceId[i].charCodeAt(0);
} else {
deviceIdArr2[i-19] = deviceId[i].charCodeAt(0);
write(, '1831', '2A90', deviceIdArr1, function() {
console.log("Did write pair 1");
}, function() {
write(, '1831', '2A90', deviceIdArr2, function() {
console.log("Did write pair 2");
}, function() {
function _handleCallback(action, param) {
var callBack = action || $.noop;
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