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Created November 14, 2012 12:55
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Vectorize example
# -*- coding: utf8
'''This module contains the code used for data conversion'''
from __future__ import division, print_function
from collections import defaultdict
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import Vectorizer
import nltk
class NoopAnalyzer(BaseEstimator):
Since we use NLTK to preprocess (more control) this
class is used to bypass sklearns preprocessing
def analyze(self, text_document):
'''Does nothing'''
return text_document
def __tokenize_and_stem(fpath):
Tokenizes and stems the file, converting each line to
an array of words.
fpath: a path to a file
Each line is a song, tags are separated by space
tokenizer = nltk.RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english'))
stemmer = nltk.stem.PorterStemmer()
docs = []
term_pops = defaultdict(int)
with open(fpath) as lastfm_file:
for line in lastfm_file:
as_doc = []
for term in tokenizer.tokenize(line):
term = term.lower().strip()
if term not in stopwords and term != '':
stemmed = stemmer.stem(term)
term_pops[stemmed] += 1
if len(as_doc) > 1:
return docs, term_pops
def clean_up(fpath, bottom_filter=0.005):
Converts a LastFM tag file to a series of tokens. This code
stems the tags, removes stopwords and filters infrequent
tags (whose probability is bellow `bottom_filter`).
fpath: a path to a file
Each line is a song, tags are separated by space
bottom_filter: float (defaults to 0.005, half of one percent)
Minimum probability for tags to be considered useful
docs, term_pops = __tokenize_and_stem(fpath)
for doc in docs:
to_yield = []
for term in doc:
prob_term = term_pops[term] / len(term_pops)
if prob_term > bottom_filter:
if len(to_yield) > 1:
yield to_yield
def vectorize_songs(fpath, use_idf=False, bottom_filter=0.005):
Converts a LastFM tag file to a sparse matrix pondered. We can assign
weights based on IDF if specified.
fpath: a path to a file
Each line is a song, tags are separated by space
use_idf: bool (optinal, defaults to True)
Indicates whether to use IDF.
bottom_filter: float (defaults to 0.005, half of one percent)
Minimum probability for tags to be considered useful
#Vectorizes to TF-IDF
vectorizer = Vectorizer(analyzer=NoopAnalyzer(), use_idf = use_idf)
sparse_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(clean_up(fpath))
vocabulary = vectorizer.vocabulary
return sparse_matrix, vocabulary
def read_sparse(fpath):
Reads a converted tags file (now in LibSVM sparse format) to
a sparse matrix.
fpath: str
path to the file
as_dict = {}
num_col = 0
num_row = 0
with open(fpath) as sparse_file:
for line in sparse_file:
spl = line.split()
for token in spl:
col, value = token.split(':')
col = int(col)
as_dict[num_row, col] = value
if col > num_col:
num_col = col
num_row += 1
shape = (num_row, num_col + 1)
return_val = sparse.dok_matrix(shape)
for row, col in as_dict:
return_val[row, col] = as_dict[row, col]
return return_val.tocsr()
def read_vocabuary(fpath):
Reads a vocabulary file and converts it to a dictionary
fpath: str
path to the file
return_val = {}
with open(fpath) as vocab_file:
for line in vocab_file:
spl = line.split()
key = int(spl[1])
value = spl[0]
return_val[key] = value
return return_val
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