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An Improvement to renderWithRedux helper function to enable rerender

Basic Implmentation

function renderWithRedux(ui, { initialState, store = createStore(rootReducer, initialState) } = {}, renderFn = render) {
  const obj = {
    ...renderFn(<Provider store={store}>{ui}</Provider>),
  obj.rerenderWithRedux = (el) => renderWithRedux(el, { store }, obj.rerender);
  return obj;

Improved version

import rootReducer from '../my-rootreducer-dir';

function renderWithRedux(ui, { initialState, store = createStore(rootReducer, initialState) } = {}, renderFn = render) {
  const obj = {
    ...renderFn(<Provider store={store}>{ui}</Provider>),
  obj.rerenderWithRedux = (el, nextState) => {
    if (nextState) {
      store.replaceReducer(() => nextState);
      store.dispatch({ type: '__TEST_ACTION_REPLACE_STATE__' });
    return renderWithRedux(el, { store }, obj.rerender);
  return obj;


// FileCmp.js

export default ({ isUploading, sadFace }) => <>
  {isUploading ? 'upload in progress' : '...'}
  {sadFace && ':('}

// FileContainter.js

import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import FileCmp from 'dir-to/FileCmp';
import { makeSelectIsUploading } from '../selectors';

const mapStateToProps = (state, { id }) => ({
  isUploading: makeSelectIsUploading(id)(state),

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(FileCmp)

// FileCmp.test.js
test('some crazy test', () => {
  const initialState = {
    isUploading: false
  const { rerenderWithRedux, store } = renderWithRedux(<FileCmp />, { initialState })

  // we can update store by dispatching some action eg
  store.dispatch({ type: '__FILE_UPLOAD_ACTION__', id: 1 }) // produces new state --> { isUploading: true }
  expect(getByText('upload in progress')).toBeInTheDOM()

  // we can also update store by providing next state
  const nextState = { isUploading: false }
  rerenderWithRedux(<FileCmp />, nextState)
  expect(() => getByText('upload in progress')).toThrow()

  // and last but not least, if we invoke rerenderWithRedux only with one arg -> component
  // it will use store as expected
  rerenderWithRedux(<FileCmp sadFace />)
  expect(() => getByText('upload in progress')).toThrow()
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