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Last active December 25, 2015 14:39
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Save flenter/6992234 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
wercker.yml for php with a yui compressor step
box: wercker/php
# Build definition
# The steps that will be executed on build
# A custom script s tep, name value is used in the UI
# and the code value contains the command that get executed
- script:
name: echo php information
code: |
echo "php version $(php --version) running"
echo "from location $(which php)"
# Add more steps here:
#- script:
# name: run unit tests
# code: phpunit
- hipchat-notify:
room-id: 199099
from-name: Wercker
- script:
name: simple ls step
code: |
ls -la
- hipchat-notify:
room-id: 199099
from-name: Wercker
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flenter commented Oct 15, 2013

Making the code available as a zip file can be done like this. Add before your after-steps for the build phase the following code:

      - script:
          name: make available as download
          code: |
            cp -r * $WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR 

If you go to the make available as download step in wercker and you'll find a artifacts tab (if the total code code is less than 50MB). You can see in the log of the step if there's more than 50MB of data.

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flenter commented Oct 15, 2013

Ok. And for ftp, we can change the deploy steps content into:

    - install-packages:
        packages: python-pip
    - script:
        name: install pyftpsync
        code: |
          sudo pip install pyftpsync
    - script:
        name: sync with remote
        code: |
          pyftpsync  upload . ftp://username:[email protected]/target/folder -x

You can see some of the options for the ftp command here:

note: you may want to run the command first without -x . It just tries to see if it can upload files without changing anything (dry run)
edit: ftpsync corrected to: pyftpsync
edit: switched : and @

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flenter commented Oct 15, 2013

Alternatively we could use this:

    - install-packages:
        packages: lftp
    - script: 
        name: prepare lftp settings
        code: |
          mkdir -p $HOME/.lftp
          echo "set ssl:verify-certificate no" > $HOME/.lftp/rc
    - script:
        name: sync with remote
        code: |
          lftp -e "mirror -R . /;bye" -u username,$MY_PASSWORD

note: mkdir -p added, use of tilde replaced with $HOME

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flenter commented Oct 16, 2013

For minifying we can do the following changing the build steps from

    # A custom script s tep, name value is used in the UI
    # and the code value contains the command that get executed
    - script:
        name: echo php information
        code: |
          echo "php version $(php --version) running"
          echo "from location $(which php)"
    # Add more steps here:
    #- script:
    #    name: run unit tests
    #    code: phpunit


    - install-packages:
        packages: yui-compressor
    - script:
        name: move code to output dir
        code: |
          mkdir -p $WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR/views
          cp -r * $WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR/views
    - script:
        name: run yui compressor for js
        code: |
          cd $WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR
          for file in `find . -name "*.js"`; do java -jar /usr/share/yui-compressor/yui-compressor.jar --type js -v -o $file $file; done
    - script:
        name: run yui compressor for css
        code: |
          cd $WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR
          for file in `find . -name "*.css"`; do java -jar /usr/share/yui-compressor/yui-compressor.jar --type css -v -o $file $file; done

edit: Yui compressor doesn't like more than 1 layer of directories. compress step split into two steps.

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