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Last active November 2, 2020 19:46
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Molecule shortcut over molecule in container
# Molecule shortcut over molecule inside container
# Coming from:
# Use ./ shell to login on the container bash
if [ "$1" = "shell" ] ; then
docker run --rm -it \
-v $(pwd):/tmp/$(basename "${PWD}") \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v ~/.cache/:/root/.cache/ \
-w /tmp/$(basename "${PWD}") \
-e HOST_PWD=$(PWD) \
--name molecule \ \
docker run --rm -it \
-v $(pwd):/tmp/$(basename "${PWD}") \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v ~/.cache/:/root/.cache/ \
-w /tmp/$(basename "${PWD}") \
-e HOST_PWD=$(PWD) \
--name molecule \ \
molecule "$@"
# Explanation:
# -v $(pwd):/tmp/$(basename "${PWD}")
# This option is used to share the current project directory with the
# container in the /tmp/<project_dir> directory. <project_dir> is the name
# of the project directory on the host (where this script is located)
# -w /tmp/$(basename "${PWD}")
# This option is used to make the directory shared previsouly the
# default (starting/working) directory of the container
# /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
# This option gives the possibility to create docker container from
# the molecule container (docker-in-docker), using the host docker.
# -v ~/.cache/:/root/.cache/
# This option is used to keep molecule context (all molecule cache files)
# between successive creation/execution/deletion of the molecule container.
# -e HOST_PWD=$(PWD)
# This option is usefull to have the Host PWD information inside the molecule
# container. We need this information, as if we run a new docker container
# container from the molecule container (docker in docker), if we are using
# PWD in a sharing filesytem process, it will be equal to /tmp/<project_dir>,
# but container will be created in the host context, where this directory
# does not exist....
# --name molecule
# created container will be named "molecule"
# This is the image used to create the container
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