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Last active December 26, 2021 16:56
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convenience script for reporting zswap statistics
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# zswapstat -- convenience script for reporting zswap statistics
# see also:
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant ZSWAP_DEBUG_DIR => "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap";
sub read_file {
my ($path) = @_;
open(my $f, '<', $path) or die "couldn't open $path";
my @contents = <$f>;
close($f) or die "couldn't close $path";
return $contents[0];
my $page_size = `getconf PAGE_SIZE`;
opendir(my $d, ZSWAP_DEBUG_DIR)
or die "couldn't open zswap debug dir; is the module loaded and enabled?";
my @files = readdir $d;
open(COLUMN, "| column --separator : --table --keep-empty-lines")
or die "couldn't run column program";
my ($value, $pool_total_size, $stored_pages);
foreach (@files) {
if ($_ eq "." || $_ eq "..") {
$value = read_file(ZSWAP_DEBUG_DIR . "/" . $_);
print($_, ":", $value, "\n");
if ($_ eq "pool_total_size") {
$pool_total_size = $value;
} elsif ($_ eq "stored_pages") {
$stored_pages = $value;
my $stored_size = $stored_pages * $page_size;
my $compressed_mb = $pool_total_size / 1000 / 1000;
my $uncompressed_mb = ($stored_pages * $page_size) / 1000 / 1000;
my $savings =
$stored_size > 0
? 1 - ($pool_total_size / $stored_size)
: 0;
printf("compressed_size:%.1f MB\n", $compressed_mb);
printf("uncompressed_size:%.1f MB\n", $uncompressed_mb);
printf("space_savings:%.3f\n", $savings);
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