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Created January 5, 2014 12:43
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Discussion about streams error handling and gulp
[15:39:55] <dashed> floatdrop: This is a bit crazy - but what if we implement "right" streams with "right" pipe? (ohmygodwhatiamsaying)
[15:39:55] <dashed> ???
[15:43:34] <floatdrop>
[15:46:34] <floatdrop> dashed generally this is bad-bad idea
[16:00:01] <nfroidure> Not sure it is a good idea to catch n drop every error events
[16:05:06] <dashed> depends on error.
[16:05:15] <dashed> ideally, we'll want something like this Hide image by shift clicking.
[16:06:12] <floatdrop> I'll be whining about this line for years: .on('error', function(){})
[16:06:44] <nfroidure> dashed, in fact, what we need is probably a better error categorization
[16:07:07] <dashed> that's what im thinking as well... define a gulp error event
[16:07:21] <nfroidure> distinguishing "fatal" errors from "file specific" errors.
[16:08:09] <dashed> does node do that in other areas of their API?
[16:08:17] <floatdrop> isn't fatal errors should be throwed and file specific is just `error` event/
[16:09:14] <nfroidure> floatdrop, good point
[16:09:38] <dashed> currently plugin guidelines say to pass the instances of Error to error event
[16:09:57] <nfroidure> are there cases where a file error can compromise the whole result ?
[16:10:49] <dashed> ah.. im thinking of a different handling of error
[16:10:55] <nfroidure> dashed, i mean error categorization is done with console.error, console.warn and console.log
[16:10:55] <dashed> im talking about stream level
[16:11:02] <floatdrop> yeah. I would not launch builded folder to testing if one file is corrupted
[16:11:25] <floatdrop> testing/production
[16:12:08] <dashed> true
[16:12:55] <dashed> but, when you stream files, and a gulp plugin errors in the middle of the file stream
[16:13:00] <dashed> you get partial results anyways
[16:13:15] <dashed> it's just files after the errored file do not get processed
[16:13:47] <dashed> by stream, i meant coming from gulp.src
[16:14:42] <dashed> something like .on('error', handleError).on('error', gulp.beep) should notify user of the problem
[16:15:44] <dashed> but the entire point of continuing on error is treating each files independently
[16:16:18] <dashed> b/c currently, node stream in gulp considers the next file to be dependent on the current file
[16:16:36] <nfroidure> the exception terminate the process with an error code, if handling errors, there should be a mechanism to exit the process with an error code
[16:18:10] <dashed> interesting point
[16:19:16] <nfroidure> how about passing errors to the next stream so that listening for errors at the end of the whole pipeline would not throw exception ?
[16:19:26] <dashed> i think that if a gulp plugin errors on a particular file, but not others. only that particular file stops at that point in the stream.
[16:19:55] <dashed> all other files still pass downstream
[16:20:03] <floatdrop> nfroidure that is work for custom pipe function
[16:20:29] <floatdrop> but that what I expected from it
[16:20:38] <dashed> i wouldn't want to pass errors to the next stream
[16:20:51] <floatdrop> why?
[16:21:31] <dashed> node stream doesn't do this
[16:24:12] <dashed> if an error occurs on a particular file, that file stops at that point in the stream
[16:25:32] <dashed>
[16:25:35] <dashed> you want something like this?
[16:27:12] <dashed> i think i ran into a discussion regarding this
[16:27:33] <dashed>!topic/nodejs/lJYT9hZxFu0
[16:30:49] <floatdrop> heh, monkeypatching Stream.pipe from Isaac -
[16:32:11] <dashed> if it's desirable to pipe errors to a single sink (like gutil.log), then gulp.src(...) should provide a method that wraps .pipe
[16:32:32] <dashed> and appends .on('error')
[16:33:22] <floatdrop>
[16:33:57] <floatdrop> in response to link
[16:34:47] <dashed> that looks ugly =[
[16:34:49] <nfroidure> a bit verbose, but i like the idea. how about wrapping pipe and patching dest pipe inside the wrapper to propagate it through the pipeline ?
[16:35:57] <dashed> this looks like a potential useful use case, anyone want to open a gulp issue?
[16:36:30] <dashed> or should it be shimmed as a plugin?
[16:37:08] <nfroidure> floatdrop, commented the gist, why not just add an option to gulp.src forwardErrors:true
[16:37:09] <dashed> b/c if everyone is concerned that errors are dropped, then it should be baked into gulp to encourage it
[16:38:01] <dashed> nfroidure: looks great =]
[16:38:38] <floatdrop> well, this isn't solving, that plugins will throw on errors
[16:39:08] <floatdrop> or you want `pipe` function to patch destanation pipe function or something?
[16:39:33] <nfroidure> yep, monkey patching pipe functions of piped in streams
[16:39:41] <floatdrop> why am I do not see comment?
[16:39:50] <dashed>
[16:40:27] <dashed> also to extend the idea further, should we be able to send 'error' to gulp.task?
[16:40:31] <floatdrop> yeah, looks much better
[16:40:49] <dashed> that way child gulp.tasks don't run?
[16:41:18] <dashed> b/c of deps option in gulp.task(name[, deps], fn)
[16:42:00] <dashed> so if an error occurs in a stream, then it should forward to gulp.task level as well
[16:42:41] <dashed> it would help to totally stop any production-related gulp tasks
[16:47:42] <dashed> another suggestion
[16:48:05] <dashed> onErrorFunc: console.error option as a shorthand to hook .on('error', console.error) to all stream
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