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Last active February 9, 2018 19:24
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Get $h*t Done! - How to survive in a world of distractions


Morpheus: You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.

We live in a world full of distractions - both in our private and professional lives. I'll show you how to keep track of things and focus on what really matters.

Vote for this talk by pushing the ⭐ Star button ↗ on the top right ↗


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With the help of Personal Kanban and the Get Things Done, you will be able to master the flood of tasks in your studies, work or private life. I'll show you how to start, what works really well in my daily life and what pitfalls to avoid.

Vote now for this talk by pushing the ⭐ Star button ↗ on the top right ↗


My name is Florian, I'm a Freiburg/Germany based Agile Coach, geek, internet addict, software engineer, and Open Source Software enthusiast. I'm constantly seeking for self improvement hacks, because I like to spend my precious time with persons and stuff that really matter in my life.

So what are you waiting for? Vote for this talk by pushing the ⭐ Star button ↗ on the top right ↗

This is my contribution to the #CallForSpeakers for the #LandingFestival 2018 in Berlin. Boost your career and check out for more details!

Get in touch 🍻

You've read this far, and I really appreciate your time. Want some free 🍺? Here's how:

  1. Push the ⭐ Star button ↗ on the top right ↗
  2. Create a SHA-256 hash from the string "$username wants some free beer!" (Replace $username with your GitHub username)
  3. Post your SHA-256 hash as a ↓ comment ↓ or via Twitter or Keybase
  4. Show up at my talk at the Landing Festival in Berlin and ping me afterwards

Looking forward to meet lots of new people - Cheers! 🍻

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