Unfortunately, there is currently no way to configure multiple webhook endpoints with Twilio's Console.
As a workaround, we can use Twilio Functions (Pricing) to forward webhook events to multiple destinations.
Based on Twilio Docs: Receive an inbound SMS
- Navigate tho the Functions Tab in your Twilio Console
- Create a Service by clicking the Create Service button and entering a name such as
- Once you've been redirected to the new Service, click the Add + button and select Add Function from the dropdown menu
- Rename the new protected Function if you want -> the name of the file will be path it is accessed from
- Copy the attached code snippet, paste it into your newly created Function and click Save to apply your changes
- Click on Settings > Dependencies and add
- Click Deploy All to build and deploy the Function
After deployment, your Function will be accesible at: https://<service-name>-<random-characters>-<optional-domain-suffix>.twil.io/<function-path>
For example: https://forwarding-service-123456789.twil.io/welcome