Whenever we try to represent our 3D earth on a 2D map we necessarily introduce distoration. This tool attempts to visualize the phenomenon.
Original prompt by @curran
Bounding box solution by @tyrasd
Whenever we try to represent our 3D earth on a 2D map we necessarily introduce distoration. This tool attempts to visualize the phenomenon.
Original prompt by @curran
Bounding box solution by @tyrasd
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js"></script> | |
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3-geo-projection/0.2.9/d3.geo.projection.min.js"></script> | |
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/topojson/1.6.19/topojson.min.js"></script> | |
<style> | |
svg { | |
margin: 22px; | |
} | |
select { | |
margin-left: 20px; | |
} | |
path.foreground { | |
fill: none; | |
stroke: #333; | |
stroke-width: 1.5px; | |
} | |
path.graticule { | |
fill: none; | |
stroke: #aaa; | |
stroke-width: .5px; | |
} | |
#left { | |
cursor: move; | |
} | |
#left .land { | |
fill: #d7c7ad; | |
stroke: #a5967e; | |
} | |
#right .land { | |
fill: #cfcece; | |
stroke: #a5967e; | |
} | |
#left circle { | |
fill: #d8355e; | |
} | |
#right circle { | |
stroke: #d8355e; | |
fill: none; | |
} | |
</style> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<svg id="left"></svg> | |
<svg id="right"></svg> | |
<select></select> | |
<script> | |
var map_width = 400; | |
var map_height = 400; | |
var center = [-90, 37]; | |
var scale0 = (map_width - 1) / 2 / Math.PI * 6 | |
var scale1 = (map_width - 1) / 2 / Math.PI * 3 | |
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom() | |
.translate([map_width / 2, map_height / 2]) | |
.scale(scale0) | |
.scaleExtent([scale0, 8 * scale0]) | |
.on("zoom", zoomed) | |
var projectionLeft = d3.geo.aitoff() | |
.center(center) | |
var projectionRight = d3.geo.orthographic() | |
.center(center) | |
.translate([map_width/5, map_height / 5]) | |
.scale(scale1) | |
.clipAngle(90) | |
var pathLeft = d3.geo.path() | |
.projection(projectionLeft); | |
var pathRight = d3.geo.path() | |
.projection(projectionRight); | |
function zoomed() { | |
projectionLeft | |
.translate(zoom.translate()) | |
.scale(zoom.scale()) | |
var newCenter = projectionLeft.invert([map_width/2,map_height/2]); | |
projectionRight | |
.rotate([-newCenter[0], -newCenter[1]]) | |
update(); | |
} | |
function update() { | |
d3.selectAll("#left path") | |
.attr("d", pathLeft); | |
d3.selectAll("#right path") | |
.attr("d", pathRight); | |
d3.selectAll("#left circle") | |
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cx: function(d,i) { return d.x }, | |
cy: function(d,i) { return d.y } | |
}) | |
d3.selectAll("#right circle") | |
.attr({ | |
cx: function(d,i) { | |
var latlon = projectionLeft.invert([d.x, d.y]) | |
return projectionRight(latlon)[0] | |
}, | |
cy: function(d,i) { | |
var latlon = projectionLeft.invert([d.x, d.y]) | |
return projectionRight(latlon)[1] | |
} | |
}) | |
} | |
var graticule = d3.geo.graticule(); | |
var svgLeft = d3.select("#left") | |
.attr("width", map_width) | |
.attr("height", map_height); | |
var svgRight = d3.select("#right") | |
.attr("width", map_width + 40) | |
.attr("height", map_height); | |
svgLeft | |
.call(zoom) | |
.call(zoom.event); | |
svgLeft.append("path") | |
.datum(graticule) | |
.attr("class", "graticule") | |
.attr("d", pathLeft); | |
svgRight.append("path") | |
.datum(graticule) | |
.attr("class", "graticule") | |
.attr("d", pathRight); | |
d3.json("world-110m.json", function(error,world) { | |
if (error) throw error; | |
svgLeft.insert("path", ".graticule") | |
.datum(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.land)) | |
.attr("class", "land") | |
.attr("d", pathLeft); | |
svgRight.insert("path", ".graticule") | |
.datum(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.land)) | |
.attr("class", "land") | |
.attr("d", pathRight); | |
var points = generateRect(100, 25, 25, map_width - 50, map_height - 50); | |
svgLeft.selectAll("circle") | |
.data(points) | |
.enter().append("circle") | |
.attr({ | |
r: 3 | |
}) | |
svgRight.selectAll("circle") | |
.data(points) | |
.enter().append("circle") | |
.attr({ | |
r: 2 | |
}) | |
zoomed(); | |
}); | |
var projections = { | |
"Aitoff": d3.geo.aitoff().scale(90), | |
"Boggs Eumorphic": d3.geo.boggs().scale(90), | |
"Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4)": d3.geo.craster().scale(90), | |
"Cylindrical Equal-Area": d3.geo.cylindricalEqualArea().scale(120), | |
"Eckert I": d3.geo.eckert1().scale(95), | |
"Eckert III": d3.geo.eckert3().scale(105), | |
"Eckert IV": d3.geo.eckert4().scale(105), | |
"Eckert V": d3.geo.eckert5().scale(100), | |
"Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carrée)": d3.geo.equirectangular().scale(90), | |
"Fahey": d3.geo.fahey().scale(75), | |
"Foucaut Sinusoidal": d3.geo.foucaut().scale(80), | |
"Gall (Gall Stereographic)": d3.geo.cylindricalStereographic().scale(70), | |
"Ginzburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK 1944)": d3.geo.ginzburg8().scale(75), | |
"Kavraisky VII": d3.geo.kavrayskiy7().scale(90), | |
"Larrivée": d3.geo.larrivee().scale(55), | |
"McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2)": d3.geo.mtFlatPolarSinusoidal().scale(95), | |
"Mercator": d3.geo.mercator().scale(50), | |
"Miller Cylindrical I": d3.geo.miller().scale(60), | |
"Mollweide": d3.geo.mollweide().scale(100), | |
"Natural Earth": d3.geo.naturalEarth().scale(100), | |
"Nell-Hammer": d3.geo.nellHammer().scale(120), | |
"Quartic Authalic": d3.geo.hammer().coefficient(Infinity).scale(95), | |
"Robinson": d3.geo.robinson().scale(90), | |
"Sinusoidal": d3.geo.sinusoidal().scale(90), | |
"van der Grinten (I)": d3.geo.vanDerGrinten().scale(50), | |
"Wagner VI": d3.geo.wagner6().scale(90), | |
"Wagner VII": d3.geo.wagner7().scale(90), | |
"Winkel Tripel": d3.geo.winkel3().scale(90) | |
}; | |
var selector = d3.select("select") | |
selector.selectAll("option") | |
.data(Object.keys(projections)) | |
.enter().append("option") | |
.attr({ | |
value: function(d) { return d } | |
}).text(function(d) { return d }) | |
selector.on("change", function(d) { | |
console.log("sup", d3.event) | |
var proj = d3.event.target.selectedOptions[0].value; | |
projectionLeft = projections[proj].center(center); | |
pathLeft = d3.geo.path() | |
.projection(projectionLeft); | |
zoomed(); | |
}) | |
function generateRect(num, x, y, width, height) { | |
var points = [] | |
var sideNum = Math.floor(num/4) + 1; | |
// top | |
d3.range(sideNum).forEach(function(i) { | |
points.push({ x: x + i * width/sideNum, y: y }) | |
}) | |
// right | |
d3.range(sideNum).forEach(function(i) { | |
points.push({ x: x + width, y: y + i * height/sideNum }) | |
}) | |
// bottom | |
d3.range(sideNum).forEach(function(i) { | |
points.push({ x: x + width - i * width/sideNum, y: y + height }) | |
}) | |
// left | |
d3.range(sideNum).forEach(function(i) { | |
points.push({ x: x, y: y + height - i * height/sideNum }) | |
}) | |
return points; | |
} | |
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