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Last active October 22, 2024 18:49
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a broken deterministic ecdsa
from sympy.core.numbers import igcdex
def safe_div(x: int, y: int):
Computes x / y and fails if x is not divisible by y.
assert isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int)
assert y != 0
assert x % y == 0, f"{x} is not divisible by {y}."
return x // y
def div_ceil(x, y):
assert isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int)
return -((-x) // y)
def div_mod(n, m, p):
Finds a nonnegative integer x < p such that (m * x) % p == n.
a, b, c = igcdex(m, p)
assert c == 1
return (n * a) % p
# SECP256K1
# p
# SP = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f
# order_n
# SN = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
# 系数 a
# SA = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# 系数 b
# SB = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007
# G_x
# SGX = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
# G_y
# SGY = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
# SECP256R1
SP = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SA = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC
SB = 0x5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B
SGX = 0x6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296
SGY = 0x4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5
# Returns (x / y) % P
def bigint_div_mod(x, y, P):
res = div_mod(x, y, P)
return res
# Returns (x + y) % P
def bigint_add_mod(x, y, P):
add = x + y
res = bigint_div_mod(add, 1, P)
return res
# Returns (x - y) % P
def bigint_sub_mod(x, y, P):
sub = x - y
res = bigint_div_mod(sub, 1, P)
return res
# Returns (x * y) % P
def bigint_mul_mod(x, y, P):
z = x * y
res = bigint_div_mod(z, 1, P)
return res
class EPoint:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
# Returns the slope of the elliptic curve at the given point.
# The slope is used to compute pt + pt.
# Assumption: pt != 0.
def compute_doubling_slope(pt: EPoint):
# Note that y cannot be zero: assume that it is, then pt = -pt, so 2 * pt = 0, which
# contradicts the fact that the size of the curve is odd.
x_sqr = bigint_mul_mod(pt.x, pt.x, SP)
y_2 = 2 * pt.y
# m = (3 * x^2 + a) / 2y
slope = bigint_div_mod((3 * x_sqr + SA), y_2, SP)
return slope
# Returns the slope of the line connecting the two given points.
# The slope is used to compute pt0 + pt1.
# Assumption: pt0.x != pt1.x (mod curve_prime).
def compute_slope(pt0: EPoint, pt1: EPoint):
x_diff = pt0.x - pt1.x
y_diff = pt0.y - pt1.y
# m = (y_p - y_q) / (x_p - x_q)
slope = bigint_div_mod(y_diff, x_diff, SP)
return slope
# Given a point 'pt' on the elliptic curve, computes pt + pt.
def ec_double(pt: EPoint):
if pt.x == 0:
return pt
slope = compute_doubling_slope(pt)
slope_sqr = bigint_mul_mod(slope, slope, SP)
# x = m^2 - 2*x_p
new_x = bigint_div_mod(slope_sqr - 2 * pt.x, 1, SP)
x_diff_slope = bigint_mul_mod(slope, (pt.x - new_x), SP)
# -y_r = m(x-x_r) - y
new_y = bigint_sub_mod(x_diff_slope, pt.y, SP)
return EPoint(new_x, new_y)
# Adds two points on the elliptic curve.
# Assumption: pt0.x != pt1.x (however, pt0 = pt1 = 0 is allowed).
# Note that this means that the function cannot be used if pt0 = pt1
# (use ec_double() in this case) or pt0 = -pt1 (the result is 0 in this case).
def fast_ec_add(pt0: EPoint, pt1: EPoint):
if pt0.x == 0:
return pt1
if pt1.x == 0:
return pt0
slope = compute_slope(pt0, pt1)
slope_sqr = bigint_mul_mod(slope, slope, SP)
# x_r = m^2 - x_p - x_q
new_x = bigint_div_mod(slope_sqr - pt0.x - pt1.x, 1, SP)
x_diff_slope = bigint_mul_mod(slope, (pt0.x - new_x), SP)
new_y = bigint_sub_mod(x_diff_slope, pt0.y, SP)
return EPoint(new_x, new_y)
# Same as fast_ec_add, except that the cases pt0 = ±pt1 are supported.
def ec_add(pt0: EPoint, pt1: EPoint):
x_diff = bigint_sub_mod(pt0.x, pt1.x, SP)
if x_diff != 0:
# pt0.x != pt1.x so we can use fast_ec_add.
return fast_ec_add(pt0, pt1)
y_sum = bigint_add_mod(pt0.y, pt1.y, SP)
if y_sum == 0:
# pt0.y = -pt1.y.
# Note that the case pt0 = pt1 = 0 falls into this branch as well.
ZERO_POINT = EPoint(0, 0)
# pt0.y = pt1.y.
return ec_double(pt0)
# Do the transform: Point(x, y) -> Point(x, -y)
def ec_neg(pt: EPoint):
neg_y = bigint_sub_mod(0, pt.y, SP)
res = EPoint(pt.x, neg_y)
return res
def bit(k, i):
if i == 0:
return k & 1
return (k >> i) & 1
def mult(P, r): # multiplication r*P
# P.affine()
a = r
R = EPoint(0, 0)
k = 256
for i in range(k - 1, -1, -1):
R = ec_double(R)
if bit(a, i) == 1:
R = fast_ec_add(R, P)
return R
# Verify a point lies on the curve.
# y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
def verify_point(pt: EPoint):
y_sqr = bigint_mul_mod(pt.y, pt.y, SP)
x_sqr = bigint_mul_mod(pt.x, pt.x, SP)
x_cub = bigint_mul_mod(x_sqr, pt.x, SP)
a_x = bigint_mul_mod(pt.x, SA, SP)
right1 = bigint_add_mod(x_cub, a_x, SP)
right = bigint_add_mod(right1, SB, SP)
diff = bigint_sub_mod(y_sqr, right, SP)
if diff == 0:
return 1
return 0
# Verifies that val is in the range [1, N).
def validate_signature_entry(val, N):
if val > N:
return 0
return 1
def random(m, s):
x1 = 0x53B907251BC1CEB7AB0EB41323AFB7126600FE4CB2A9A2E8A797127508F97009
y1 = 0xC7B390484E2BAAE92DF41F50E537E57185CB18017650A6D3220A42A97727217D
x2 = 0xACBC2999FB58C6E9015A12A4C5F3849E301649B2271EAAAF21906ED03CAFDF45
y2 = 0x146AAC3F7F74047FD45CF0098FADEE5CD00F7F6871440387BA402F2390D7276F
P1 = EPoint(x1, y1)
P2 = EPoint(x2, y2)
# m * P_1
PM1 = mult(P1, m)
# s * P_2
PS1 = mult(P2, s)
res = bigint_add_mod(PM1.x, PS1.x, SN)
# print("random = (",hex(res),")")
return res
def pubkey(sk):
gen_pt = EPoint(SGX, SGY)
res = mult(gen_pt, sk)
return res
def sign_ecdsa(sk, msg_hash):
gen_pt = EPoint(SGX, SGY)
k = random(msg_hash, sk)
pg = mult(gen_pt, k)
r = bigint_mul_mod(pg.x, 1, SN)
rsk = bigint_mul_mod(r, sk, SN)
m_rsk = bigint_add_mod(msg_hash, rsk, SN)
# s = (m + r * sk) / k
s = bigint_div_mod(m_rsk, k, SN)
return r, s
# Verifies a ECDSA signature.
def verify_ecdsa(public_key_pt: EPoint, msg_hash, r, s):
if verify_point(public_key_pt) != 1:
return 0
if validate_signature_entry(r, SN) != 1:
return 0
if validate_signature_entry(s, SN) != 1:
return 0
gen_pt = EPoint(SGX, SGY)
# Compute u1 and u2.
u1 = bigint_div_mod(msg_hash, s, SN)
u2 = bigint_div_mod(r, s, SN)
gen_u1 = mult(gen_pt, u1)
pub_u2 = mult(public_key_pt, u2)
res = ec_add(gen_u1, pub_u2)
diff = bigint_sub_mod(res.x, r, SP)
# The following assert also implies that res is not the zero point.
if diff == 0:
return 1
return 0
def verify_ctf(r, s):
pm3 = 0xD935BB512B4F5E4BCB07F2BE42EE5A54804379008B86B9C6C98FD605CCA64F55
pkx = 0x209D386328994AF4BBF0FF8BB6CDBB0E87E01E2118B1C12B94C555A1726129C6
pky = 0x76AC8F2FDA3A921BD3DCC1D2F0741B91DCD18D053A67A4ECE89761E64A0881B1
pk = EPoint(pkx, pky)
res = verify_ecdsa(pk, pm3, r, s)
# assert res == 1
return res
# pub = pubkey(ps_bob)
pkx = 0x209D386328994AF4BBF0FF8BB6CDBB0E87E01E2118B1C12B94C555A1726129C6
pky = 0x76AC8F2FDA3A921BD3DCC1D2F0741B91DCD18D053A67A4ECE89761E64A0881B1
pm1 = 0xCA1AD489AB60EA581E6C119CC39D94DDBFC5FAA0E178A23CA66202C8C2A72277
pm2 = 0x0F1AE6C77FEE73F3AC9BE1217F50C576C07D7E5FAA0E178A232DD33D09FF2CDE
pm3 = 0xD935BB512B4F5E4BCB07F2BE42EE5A54804379008B86B9C6C98FD605CCA64F55
# (pr1,ps1) = sign_ecdsa(ps_bob,pm1)
# (pr2,ps2) = sign_ecdsa(ps_bob,pm2)
pr1 = 0x22C2921ACF3A393A0BBAF1F68EE7E02F8385FF60CA67C41A1DE3CFF3FDAA1A74
ps1 = 0x1878DBC4684DE3A63A5975325B467CDBA846B24D949322016FE4C8FD2C0862A1
pr2 = 0xB9201D2D40D63EB41D934C9D45280837CA09B03C4E063946CAA06EABEAACB944
ps2 = 0xBA69F449ED11E3677AB37367D99EC3B399A006FE875941F5DA57156A8FE9C8E0
pub = EPoint(pkx, pky)
res = verify_ecdsa(pub, pm1, pr1, ps1)
print("res_pm1 =", res)
res = verify_ecdsa(pub, pm2, pr2, ps2)
print("res_pm2 =", res)
x1 = 0x53B907251BC1CEB7AB0EB41323AFB7126600FE4CB2A9A2E8A797127508F97009
y1 = 0xC7B390484E2BAAE92DF41F50E537E57185CB18017650A6D3220A42A97727217D
P1 = EPoint(x1, y1)
pm1_P1 = mult(P1, pm1)
pm2_P1 = mult(P1, pm2)
pm3_P1 = mult(P1, pm3)
pr1_sqr = bigint_mul_mod(pr1, pr1, SP)
pr1_cube = bigint_mul_mod(pr1_sqr, pr1, SP)
a_times_pr1 = bigint_mul_mod(pr1, SA, SP)
pr1_y1_sqr = bigint_add_mod(pr1_cube, a_times_pr1 + SB, SP)
# print(hex(pr1_y1_sqr))
# 0x55936ba5f40af4a80bc019b90a3afb30c1f5a5268d3cda04fc4dc4c86cae5c84
# how to cacule the y = pr1_y1_sqr^(1/2) in Field
# open sagemath
# > SP = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
# > F = GF(SP)
# > y_sqr2 = F.from_integer(0x55936ba5f40af4a80bc019b90a3afb30c1f5a5268d3cda04fc4dc4c86cae5c84)
# > y_sqr2.sqrt(extend=False, all=True)
# [16266993938295423052800445989939399534749345174288806400925877505453552280846,
# 99525095272060825709897000959468173995336798241001507794607753803413545573105]
# hex(16266993938295423052800445989939399534749345174288806400925877505453552280846)
# '0x23f6cad3b0f2bbfe20ceb33d99eb7ced22cab49230370e1e709b1e0ea3c7a50e'
k1_G1 = EPoint(pr1, 0xDC09352B4F0D4402DF314CC266148312DD354B6ECFC8F1E18F64E1F15C385AF1)
k1_G2 = EPoint(pr1, 0x23F6CAD3B0F2BBFE20CEB33D99EB7CED22CAB49230370E1E709B1E0EA3C7A50E)
pr2_sqr = bigint_mul_mod(pr2, pr2, SP)
pr2_cube = bigint_mul_mod(pr2_sqr, pr2, SP)
a_times_pr2 = bigint_mul_mod(pr2, SA, SP)
pr2_y2_sqr = bigint_add_mod(pr2_cube, a_times_pr2 + SB, SP)
# [54062636181691260655667186109703105952533334572574203573227801072399467676842,
# 61729453028664988107030260839704467577552808842716110622305830236467630177109]
k2_G1 = EPoint(pr2, 0x77865E22799D3D5B7040D794E3267E594412DE0584EBB0DEAB8B140CF67004AA)
k2_G2 = EPoint(pr2, 0x8879A1DC8662C2A58FBF286B1CD981A6BBED21FB7B144F215474EBF3098FFB55)
k1_add_k2_G = fast_ec_add(k1_G1, k2_G2)
pm1_add_pm2 = bigint_add_mod(pm1_P1.x, pm2_P1.x, SN)
double_pm3 = bigint_add_mod(pm3_P1.x, pm3_P1.x, SN)
double_pm3__sub__pm1_add_pm2 = bigint_sub_mod(double_pm3, pm1_add_pm2, SN)
# 2 * k3 * G = (k1 + k2) * G + (2[m3 * P1].x - [m1 * P1].x - [m2 * P1].x) * G
double_k3_G = fast_ec_add(k1_add_k2_G, pubkey(double_pm3__sub__pm1_add_pm2))
k3_G1 = mult(double_k3_G, bigint_div_mod(SN + 1, 2, SN))
print("k3_G1 =", hex(k3_G1.x), hex(k3_G1.y))
pm3_sub_pm1 = bigint_sub_mod(pm3_P1.x, pm1_P1.x, SN)
k3_G2 = fast_ec_add(k1_G1, pubkey(pm3_sub_pm1))
print("k3_G2 =", hex(k3_G2.x), hex(k3_G2.y))
m3_sub_m2 = bigint_sub_mod(pm3_P1.x, pm2_P1.x, SN)
k3_G3 = fast_ec_add(k2_G2, pubkey(m3_sub_m2))
print("k3_G3 =", hex(k3_G3.x), hex(k3_G3.y))
k1_G = k1_G1
k2_G = k2_G2
k3_G = k3_G3
pr3 = bigint_mul_mod(k3_G.x, 1, SN)
print("pr3 =", hex(pr3))
s1s2 = bigint_mul_mod(ps1, ps2, SN)
pm1_sub_pm2 = bigint_sub_mod(pm1_P1.x, pm2_P1.x, SN)
ps1ps2_times__x1_sub_x2 = bigint_mul_mod(s1s2, pm1_sub_pm2, SN)
s2m1 = bigint_mul_mod(pm1, ps2, SN)
s1m2 = bigint_mul_mod(pm2, ps1, SN)
r1s2 = bigint_mul_mod(pr1, ps2, SN)
r2s1 = bigint_mul_mod(pr2, ps1, SN)
s1m2_sub_s2m1 = bigint_sub_mod(s1m2, s2m1, SN)
temp1 = bigint_add_mod(ps1ps2_times__x1_sub_x2, s1m2_sub_s2m1, SN)
# r1s2 - r2s1
temp2 = bigint_sub_mod(r1s2, r2s1, SN)
sk = bigint_div_mod(temp1, temp2, SN)
print("sk =", hex(sk))
print("pubkey=", hex(pubkey(sk).x), hex(pubkey(sk).y))
(pr3_1, ps3_1) = sign_ecdsa(sk, pm3)
print("pr3_1:", hex(pr3_1))
print("ps3_1:", hex(ps3_1))
print(verify_ctf(pr3_1, ps3_1))
# output:
# res_pm1 = 1
# res_pm2 = 1
# k3_G1 = 0x8ca09723f24865bbc3fd194cc60cc95a77943ed5b38671887007072ba917a5ea 0x14f20b066068551edf0bfe4967482b7c033e4c1e164d433ebce4c54461d41140
# k3_G2 = 0x8ca09723f24865bbc3fd194cc60cc95a77943ed5b38671887007072ba917a5ea 0x14f20b066068551edf0bfe4967482b7c033e4c1e164d433ebce4c54461d41140
# k3_G3 = 0x8ca09723f24865bbc3fd194cc60cc95a77943ed5b38671887007072ba917a5ea 0x14f20b066068551edf0bfe4967482b7c033e4c1e164d433ebce4c54461d41140
# pr3 = 0x8ca09723f24865bbc3fd194cc60cc95a77943ed5b38671887007072ba917a5ea
# ##############
# sk = 0x3b82478cddee8de342cb5dd31c8dcaf4b0bc6d51af35a147309c42f74a0481e5
# pubkey= 0x209d386328994af4bbf0ff8bb6cdbb0e87e01e2118b1c12b94c555a1726129c6 0x76ac8f2fda3a921bd3dcc1d2f0741b91dcd18d053a67a4ece89761e64a0881b1
# pr3_1: 0x8ca09723f24865bbc3fd194cc60cc95a77943ed5b38671887007072ba917a5ea
# ps3_1: 0xb36a63f0329d0ad45be9bbdea6f62508a9add0d79c51c97adc11dfb720cad37a
# 1
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