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Filip Malinowski fmal

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badsyntax / paths.ts
Last active February 11, 2025 21:41
Fast & Flexible TypeScript dot notation key extraction that supports nested objects to a depth of 10
* Example usage:
* // default depth of 3: (fastest)
* type keys = Paths<SomeNestedObject> // returns "property" | "" | ""
* // depth of 10: (can be slow)
* type keys = Paths<SomeNestedObject, 10>
* // depth of 10 with keys of type string and number: (slowest)
type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any
function useEvent<T extends AnyFunction>(callback?: T) {
const ref = useRef<AnyFunction | undefined>(() => {
throw new Error("Cannot call an event handler while rendering.")
// Or useInsertionEffect if it's React 18
useLayoutEffect(() => {
ref.current = callback
// Prelude
// A zero dependency, one file drop in for faster Typescript development with fewer bugs
// through type safe, functional programming. Comments are inline with links to blog posts motiviating the use.
// alias for a function with airity 1
export type Fn<A, B> = (a: A) => B;
// alias for a function with airity 2
hihayk / dynamic-line-height.css
Created July 7, 2020 17:05
Dynamically decrease line-height as the font-size grows.
:root {
--lineHeightFixedAmount: 0.25rem;
--lineHeightRelativeAmount: 1em;
--sizesIncrement: 1.4;
--fontSize-0: 1rem;
--fontSize-1: calc(var(--fontSize-0) * var(--sizesIncrement));
--fontSize-2: calc(var(--fontSize-1) * var(--sizesIncrement));
--globalLineHeight: calc(var(--lineHeightFixedAmount) + var(--lineHeightRelativeAmount));
tomhicks / plink-plonk.js
Last active November 12, 2024 19:08
Listen to your web pages
kripod / Box.tsx
Last active February 6, 2025 07:44
Superseded by – Polymorphic `as` prop for React components with TypeScript
import React from 'react';
// Source:
type PropsOf<
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
E extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>
> = JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes<E, React.ComponentPropsWithRef<E>>;
export interface BoxOwnProps<E extends React.ElementType = React.ElementType> {
as?: E;
kmelve / Image.css
Created October 11, 2019 15:07
Lazyload Images from
.root {
display: block;
position: relative;
.lqip {
image-rendering: pixelated;
width: 100%;
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 50ms 100ms ease-out;
una /
Last active March 11, 2020 13:15
CSS Color Functions

CSS Color Functions

Web developers and design systems developers often use functions to design components. With the increasing usage of design systems that support multiple platforms, and increased capability of Dark Mode in UI, this becomes even more useful to not need to manually set color, and to instead have a single source from which layouts are calculated. Currently Sass, calc() on HSL values, or PostCSS is used to do this.


  • Components with color variations based on calculations from a parent. (i.e. Button with outline that uses the primary button color to adjust the size)
  • Theming - Palletes based on a color or set of colors for themes. Especially when a single base system is used with multiple themes
  • Uniformity among transformations between components with different primary colors


developit / *
Last active February 6, 2021 00:44
265b lib for building pure functional state machine components.


A tiny (265 byte) utility to create state machine components using two pure functions.

🔥 JSFiddle Demo


The API is a single function that accepts 2 pure functions as arguments:

msankhala / manage-states-in-javascript-via-prototypal-inheritance.js
Created June 5, 2017 06:39
// Managing States in JavaScript via Prototypal Inheritance
function State(newState) {
Object.assign(this, newState);
// If you want to make every state to immutable.
// Be careful with this because if state object has property
// which itself is an object then you have to call it recursively.
// function State(newState) {