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Last active October 18, 2024 19:16
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Cosmos chain indexing in PostgreSQL




  1. Dump the chain data using the cosmos-dump tool
    # Dump block 1 to 10000 in JSON format in the ./data folder
    cosmos-dump extract some-grps-server:9090 -e 10000 -o ./data
  2. Transform the extracted data to a TSV file
    # Transform the extracted data located in ./data and create `./tsv/transactions.tsv` and `./tsv/blocks.tsv`
    cosmos-dump export-tsv ./data ./tsv
  3. Create a new (Docker) PostgreSQL database
    docker run -p 5432:5432 --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobar -d postgres
  4. Create the init.sql file
    create schema api;
    CREATE TABLE api.blocks(
       data JSONB NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE api.transactions(
        id VARCHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY,
        data JSONB NOT NULL
    create role web_anon nologin;
    grant usage on schema api to web_anon;
    grant select on api.blocks to web_anon;
    grant select on api.transactions to web_anon;
  5. Initialize the database using the init.sql file
    psql -h localhost -d postgres -U postgres -f init.sql
  6. Updaload the TSV data to the database
    psql -h localhost -d postgres -U postgres -c "\copy api.transactions from tsv/transactions.tsv csv quote e'\x01' delimiter e'\x09'"
    psql -h localhost -d postgres -U postgres -c "\copy api.blocks from tsv/blocks.tsv csv quote e'\x01' delimiter e'\x09'"
  7. Retrieve the PostgreSQL docker container internal IP
    docker inspect some-postgres | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress'
  8. Start the PostgREST (Docker) service on port 3000
    docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 \
      -e PGRST_DB_ANON_ROLE="web_anon" \
      -e PGRST_DB_SCHEMAS="api" \
      -e PGRST_DB_URI="postgres://postgres:foobar@[PSQL_DB_IP]/postgres" postgrest/postgrest
    where [PSQL_DB_IP] is the IP address of the PostgreSQL database container retrieved in the step above

You are now setup to execute REST queries!


  1. Return all transactions relating to the manifest1efd63aw40lxf3n4mhf7dzhjkr453axurm6rp3z address?
  2. Return the first 20 blocks
  3. Return the last 20 blocks
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