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Created February 8, 2021 17:57
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# SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
Each software module should have only one reason to change.
Gather together those things that change for the same reason, and separate those things that change for different reasons. - Robert C. Martin
Imagine you took your car to a mechanic in order to fix a broken electric window. He calls you the next day saying it is fixed. When you pick up your car, you find the window works fine; but the car won’t start.
That’s how customers feel when we break things they care about that they did not ask us to change.
This principle is about people: When we write a software module, we want to make sure that when changes are requested, those changes can only originate from a single person (or the same group of people).
Do not mix together code that different people care about for different reasons.
* It could mean breaking code apart, violating traditional OOP rules, or introducing duplicate code. It's taking one step backward to go two steps forward.
* Unfortunately, we usually don't find out what that one thing is until we've reached the end of it.
# Bad Example
* changes in ICustomer may be requested from at least two different people: logging, user registration, sending email
* when the logging aspect changes, then it also has an impact on the business code (user registration, sending email)
interface ICustomer
bool Register(string email, string username, string password);
bool Login(string username, string password);
void LogError(string error);
void LogInfo(string error);
void LogDebug(string error);
bool SendEmail(string email, string content);
# Good Example
* by separating all aspects into separate interfaces we make sure that changes effect only small parts in the code base
interface ICustomer
bool Register(string email, string username, string password);
bool Login(string username, string password);
interface ILogger
void LogError(string error);
void LogInfo(string error);
void LogDebug(string error);
interface IEmail
bool SendEmail(string email, string content);
# Exception to the rule
* separating every little peace into a tiny interfaces/classes/functions, may lead to ravioli code - code that is easy to understand in isolation, but difficult to understand as a whole
* mixing certain aspects may actually improve readability and make it easier to work with the code
interface ICustomer
bool Register(string email, string username, string password);
bool Login(string username, string password);
bool SendEmail(string email, string content);
interface ILogger
void LogError(string error);
void LogInfo(string error);
void LogDebug(string error);
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