Note: Run this script as the root
user (no sudo calls are used in the script).
You will need the curl package installed, though I would have no idea why it wouldn't be installed by default:
zypper --non-interactive install curl
To perform a default prep:
bash <(curl -LB
You can specify an RVM version ([head|latest|x.y.z]
bash <(curl -LB \
--rvm-version 1.5.3
You can also override the default ruby (currently ruby-1.9.2-p180
bash <(curl -LB \
--rvm-ruby ree-1.8.7-2010.03
- Install package pre-requisites needed for RVM
- Install RVM system-wide (gets installed into
) - Install package pre-requisites needed to build MRI/REE rubies
- Ensure that Sqlite is current and build a version if it is not
- Install the RVM ruby and set it as the default
- Install the Chef gem
- Pull down the Chef cookbook repository from (gets installed to
The rest is up to you...