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Text mining example in Python
# $Id:,v 1.2 2012/09/02 16:55:25 fn Exp $
# Define a url as a Python string (note we are only getting 100 documents)
url = "" + \
"wiki/Special:Ask/" + \
"-5B-5BCategory:Publications-5D-5D/" + \
"-3FHas-20author%3DAuthor(s)/-3FYear/" + \
"-3FPublished-20in/-3FAbstract/-3FHas-20topic%3DTopic(s)/" + \
"-3FHas-20domain%3DDomain(s)/" + \
# Import the 'urllib' module for Web page retrieval
from urllib import urlopen
# Get help on how to use the module
# Get and read the web page
doc = urlopen(url).read() # Object from urlopen has read function
# Show the first 1000 characters
# Import a CSV reader/writer library.
# Note: usually you will have all the imports at the top of the Python code.
import csv
web = urlopen(url)
# 'web' is now a file-like handle
lines = csv.reader(web, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
# 'papers' is now an object that can be iterated over
# Iterate over 'papers'
for line in lines:
# Each row is of a Python 'list' type
isinstance(line, list) == True
# Or
type(line) == list
# JSON format instead that Semantic MediaWiki also exports
url_json = "" + \
"wiki/Special:Ask/" + \
"-5B-5BCategory:Publications-5D-5D/" + \
"-3FHas-20author/-3FYear/" + \
"-3FPublished-20in/-3FAbstract/-3FHas-20topic)/" + \
"-3FHas-20domain/" + \
# Python module for JSON reading
import simplejson as json
# Read JSON into a Python structure
response = json.load(urlopen(url_json))
# 'response' is now a hash/dictionary
# Result: ['rows', 'results', 'printrequests']
# response['printrequests'] is a list, map iterates over the list
columns = map(lambda item: item['label'], response['printrequests'])
# gives ['', 'Has author', 'Year', 'Published in', 'Abstract',
# 'Has topic)', 'Has domain']
# Reread CSV
lines = csv.reader(urlopen(url), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
# Iterate over 'lines' and insert the into a list of dictionaries
header = []
papers = []
for row in lines: # csv module lacks unicode support!
line = [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]
if not header: # Read the first line as header
header = line
papers.append(dict(zip(header, line)))
# 'papers' is now an list of dictionaries
# To get the first abstract:
# Get some natural language processing tools
import nltk
# Get words from first abstract
# Result: [u'Accounts', u'of', u'open', u'source', ...
# Lower case words. 'string' module from Python library
import string
map(string.lower, nltk.word_tokenize(papers[0]['Abstract']))
# Result: [u'accounts', u'of', u'open', u'source'
# Now for all papers
for paper in papers:
words = map(string.lower, nltk.word_tokenize(paper['Abstract']))
paper.update({'words': words})
# Double list comprehension
all_words = [ word for paper in papers for word in paper['words'] ]
# Result: 17059
# Unique words
# Result: 3484
# Count the occurences of all words
wordcounts = dict([ [t, all_words.count(t)] for t in set(all_words) ])
# Another way
wordcounts = {}
for term in all_words:
wordcounts[term] = wordcounts.get(term, 0) + 1
# Change the ordering of value and key for sorting
items = [(v, k) for k, v in wordcounts.items()]
for count, word in sorted(items, reverse=True)[:5]:
print("%5d %s" % (count, word))
# 913 the
# 706 of
# 658 ,
# 507 and
# 433 to
# Filter out common words
import nltk.corpus
stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')
terms = {}
for word, count in wordcounts.iteritems():
if count > 2 and word not in stopwords and word.isalpha():
terms[word] = count
# Change the ordering of value and key for sorting
items = [(v, k) for k, v in terms.items()]
for count, word in sorted(items, reverse=True)[:5]:
print("%5d %s" % (count, word))
# 213 wikipedia
# 64 knowledge
# 64 article
# 54 information
# 50 articles
# Wikipedia is the main topic of all the papers to remove it
# Convert the dictionary to a list.
terms = list(terms)
# Import of the numerical module
import numpy as np
# Construct a bag-of-words matrix
M = np.asmatrix(np.zeros([len(papers), len(terms)]))
for n, paper in enumerate(papers):
for m, term in enumerate(terms):
M[n,m] = paper['words'].count(term)
# Define a topic mining function (non-negative matrix factorization)
def nmf(M, components=5, iterations=5000):
# Initialize to matrices
W = np.asmatrix(np.random.random(([M.shape[0], components])))
H = np.asmatrix(np.random.random(([components, M.shape[1]])))
for n in range(0, iterations):
H = np.multiply(H, (W.T * M) / (W.T * W * H + 0.001))
W = np.multiply(W, (M * H.T) / (W * (H * H.T) + 0.001))
print "%d/%d" % (n, iterations) # Note 'logging' module
return (W, H)
# Perform the actual computation
W, H = nmf(M, iterations=50, components=3)
# Show the results in some format
for component in range(W.shape[1]):
print("COMPONENT %d: " % (component,))
indices = (-H[component,:]).getA1().argsort()
print(" - ".join([ terms[i] for i in indices[:6] ]))
indices = (-W[:,component]).getA1().argsort()
print("\n".join([ papers[i][''] for i in indices[:5] ]))
results = """
knowledge - article - information - articles - approach - use
Constructing commons in the cultural environment
A systemic and cognitive view on collaborative knowledge building with wikis
Academics and Wikipedia: reframing Web 2.0+as a disruptor of traditional academic power-knowledge arrangements
Addressing gaps in knowledge while reading
Contextual retrieval of single Wikipedia articles to support the reading of academic abstracts
web - media - users - content - production - sites
A cultural and political economy of Web 2.0
Academics and Wikipedia: reframing Web 2.0+as a disruptor of traditional academic power-knowledge arrangements
Applications of semantic web methodologies and techniques to social networks and social websites
Classifying tags using open content resources
A Wikipedia matching approach to contextual advertising
question - classification - answer - systems - answering - method
A semantic approach for question classification using WordNet and Wikipedia
A comparison of World Wide Web resources for identifying medical information
Adaptive indexing for content-based search in P2P systems
BinRank: scaling dynamic authority-based search using materialized subgraphs
Classifying tags using open content resources
# Import a graph library and plotting library
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Generate coauthor graph
coauthor_graph = nx.Graph()
for paper in papers:
coauthors = paper['Author(s)'].split(',')
for n in range(len(coauthors)-1):
for m in range(n, len(coauthors)):
coauthor_graph.add_edge(coauthors[n], coauthors[m])
# Extract a subgraph
author_communities = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(coauthor_graph)
# Plot the graph
# plt.savefig("coauthorgraph.png")
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jtrenzel commented Jun 6, 2018

Should this code run as-written? Or is there a certain webpage or csv file that needs to be opened prior to running?

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