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Created February 11, 2025 23:44
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Drizzle relation function enhancements to support one-to-one relation name and without fields, and explicitly optional reference for non-nullable fields
* A patched Drizzle relations function that enables the following:
* - defining a one-to-one relation using non-nullable columns that is still nullable via
* `config.optional`: resolves
* - defining a one-to-one relation without fields which includes a relation name: resolves
* Usage: import `relations` from this file rather than `drizzle-orm/relations` and use as normal.
* `one()` now accepts a config object where the fields and references are optional, to enable use
* with relation name, and also has a new key `optional` which when set to true marks this as an
* optional relation, even if the fields are non-nullable.
import {
type AnyColumn,
type AnyTable,
type ColumnsWithTable,
type Table,
} from "drizzle-orm";
import {
One as OneBase,
type RelationConfig as RelationConfigBase,
} from "drizzle-orm/relations";
type Equal<X, Y> =
(<T>() => T extends X ? 1 : 2) extends <T>() => T extends Y ? 1 : 2 ? true : false;
type And<A extends boolean, B extends boolean> = [A, B][number] extends true
? true
: true extends [Equal<A, false>, Equal<B, false>][number]
? false
: never;
interface RelationFieldsReferencesConfig<
TTableName extends string,
TForeignTableName extends string,
TColumns extends AnyColumn<{ tableName: TTableName }>[],
> {
fields: TColumns;
references: ColumnsWithTable<TTableName, TForeignTableName, TColumns>;
type RelationConfig<
TTableName extends string,
TForeignTableName extends string,
TColumns extends AnyColumn<{ tableName: TTableName }>[],
TOptional extends boolean,
> = { relationName?: string; optional?: TOptional } & (
| RelationFieldsReferencesConfig<TTableName, TForeignTableName, TColumns>
| { fields?: undefined; references?: undefined }
* Monkey patched Relations class that ignores the provided table relations helpers, and substitutes
* our own.
class Relations<
TTableName extends string = string,
TConfig extends Record<string, Relation> = Record<string, Relation>,
> {
static readonly [entityKind]: string = "Relations";
declare readonly $brand: "Relations";
readonly table: AnyTable<{ name: TTableName }>,
readonly inputConfig: (helpers: TableRelationsHelpers<TTableName>) => TConfig,
) {}
config(): TConfig {
return this.inputConfig(createTableRelationsHelpers(this.table));
* Monkey patched One class to enable the use of `relationName` without field definitions (by adding
* it as an input rather than in the config). The usage of this checks to see if the config is
* present and uses its fields if so, so we need to have an empty config with a relation name to
* integrate.
* See `createOne` below.
class One<
TTableName extends string = string,
TIsNullable extends boolean = boolean,
> extends Relation<TTableName> {
static override readonly [entityKind]: string = "One";
declare protected $relationBrand: "One";
sourceTable: Table,
referencedTable: AnyTable<{ name: TTableName }>,
readonly config:
| RelationConfigBase<TTableName, string, AnyColumn<{ tableName: TTableName }>[]>
| undefined,
readonly isNullable: TIsNullable,
relationName: string | undefined,
) {
super(sourceTable, referencedTable, relationName);
withFieldName(fieldName: string): One<TTableName> {
const relation = new One(
relation.fieldName = fieldName;
return relation;
function createOne<TTableName extends string>(sourceTable: Table) {
return function one<
TForeignTable extends Table,
TColumns extends [
AnyColumn<{ tableName: TTableName }>,
...AnyColumn<{ tableName: TTableName }>[],
TOptional extends boolean,
table: TForeignTable,
config?: RelationConfig<TTableName, TForeignTable["_"]["name"], TColumns, TOptional>,
): OneBase<
And<TOptional extends true ? false : true, Equal<TColumns[number]["_"]["notNull"], true>>
> {
// Only generate a new config if fields / references are defined. This avoids an issue where for
// One, the config's fields are always used if the config is present, even if the fields and
// references are not defined.
// See:
const newConfig =
config?.fields != null && config?.references != null
? { fields: config.fields, references: config.references }
: undefined;
// we have to return an object of type `One` here in order for the generated type on the
// relation to be correct, i.e. singular rather than an array, due to the way the type check works
return new One(
(!config?.optional &&
(config?.fields?.reduce<boolean>((res, f) => res && f.notNull, true) ?? false)) as And<
TOptional extends true ? false : true,
Equal<TColumns[number]["_"]["notNull"], true>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
) as any;
export function relations<
TTableName extends string,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
TRelations extends Record<string, Relation<any>>,
table: AnyTable<{ name: TTableName }>,
relations: (helpers: TableRelationsHelpers<TTableName>) => TRelations,
): Relations<TTableName, TRelations> {
return new Relations<TTableName, TRelations>(
(helpers: TableRelationsHelpers<TTableName>) =>
Object.entries(relations(helpers)).map(([key, value]) => [key, value.withFieldName(key)]),
) as TRelations,
function createTableRelationsHelpers<TTableName extends string>(
sourceTable: AnyTable<{ name: TTableName }>,
) {
return {
one: createOne<TTableName>(sourceTable),
many: createMany(sourceTable),
type TableRelationsHelpers<TTableName extends string> = ReturnType<
typeof createTableRelationsHelpers<TTableName>
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