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Last active February 5, 2025 18:32
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Create a `public.profile` table and keep it in sync with supabase `auth.users` for selected fields in both directions.
* Note: This table contains user data. Users should only be able to view and update their own data.
* Some data is synced back and forth to `auth.users` as described below.
* `full_name`: synced in both directions
* `email`: synced from user metadata to profile only
* `avatar_url`: synced from user metadata to profile only
* `terms_accepted_at`: synced from profile to user metadata only
create table public.profile (
-- UUID from auth.users
id uuid primary key references auth.users on delete cascade,
created_at timestamp not null default now(),
updated_at timestamp not null default now(),
terms_accepted_at timestamp,
email varchar(255),
full_name text,
avatar_url text
alter table public.profile enable row level security;
create policy "view_own_profile_data" on public.profile for select using (auth.uid() = id);
create policy "update_own_profile_data" on public.profile for update using (auth.uid() = id);
create trigger _100_handle_updated_at before update on public.profile
for each row execute procedure moddatetime('updated_at');
create function public.update_user_metadata() returns trigger
language plpgsql security definer
as $function$
_user_id uuid = coalesce(,;
update auth.users
set raw_user_meta_data = jsonb_set(
to_jsonb((select terms_accepted_at from public.profile where id = _user_id)),
to_jsonb((select full_name from public.profile where id = _user_id)),
where id = _user_id;
return null;
create trigger _100_on_change_update_user_metadata
after update on public.profile
for each row
when (old . * is distinct from new . *)
execute procedure public.update_user_metadata();
* This trigger automatically creates a user entry when a new user signs up via Supabase Auth.
create function public.handle_new_user()
returns trigger
as $$
insert into public.profile (id, email, full_name, avatar_url)
values (,, new.raw_user_meta_data->>'full_name', new.raw_user_meta_data->>'avatar_url');
return new;
language plpgsql
security definer;
create trigger _100_on_auth_user_created
after insert on auth.users
for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();
create function public.handle_updated_user()
returns trigger
as $$
update public.profile
set email =,
full_name = new.raw_user_meta_data->>'full_name',
avatar_url = new.raw_user_meta_data->>'avatar_url'
where id =;
return new;
language plpgsql
security definer;
create trigger _100_on_auth_user_updated
after update on auth.users
for each row
when (old . * is distinct from new . *)
execute procedure public.handle_updated_user();
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PixsaOJ commented Feb 5, 2024

Absolute legend !

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Nice! Exactly what I needed. Thanks!

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