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hackermondev /
Last active March 11, 2025 15:19
1 bug, $50,000+ in bounties, how Zendesk intentionally left a backdoor in hundreds of Fortune 500 companies

hi, i'm daniel. i'm a 15-year-old with some programming experience and i do a little bug hunting in my free time. here's the insane story of how I found a single bug that affected over half of all Fortune 500 companies:

say hello to zendesk

If you've spent some time online, you’ve probably come across Zendesk.

Zendesk is a customer service tool used by some of the world’s top companies. It’s easy to set up: you link it to your company’s support email (like [email protected]), and Zendesk starts managing incoming emails and creating tickets. You can handle these tickets yourself or have a support team do it for you. Zendesk is a billion-dollar company, trusted by big names like Cloudflare.

Personally, I’ve always found it surprising that these massive companies, worth billions, rely on third-party tools like Zendesk instead of building their own in-house ticketing systems.

your weakest link

Spix0r / 403-Bypass-Headers-List.txt
Created October 3, 2024 15:24
I’ve analyzed numerous tools, blogs, tweets, and other resources on bypassing 403 Forbidden errors using HTTP Headers Fuzzing techniques. After extensive research, I’ve compiled a list of headers you can fuzz to potentially bypass 403 restrictions.
Allow: GET
Allow: HEAD
Allow: POST
Allow: TRACE
Client-IP: 0
Client-IP: 0177.0000.0000.0001
Client-IP: 0x7F000001
terjanq /
Last active June 21, 2024 19:15
Another Another CSP | justCTF 2024 | writeup

Another Another CSP by @terjanq



This year I created a copycat challenge of another-csp from DiceCTF Quals 2024. It was only solved by 1 team, DiceGang. Although the challenge looked almost identical, the solutions should be strictly different.

The intended solution of the original challenge was to leak one bit of information per admin visit based on crashing the browser renderer process with malicious CSS. (The below snippet was crashing the browser, but currently it's fixed)

Homer28 / test_dll.c
Last active December 13, 2024 20:24
DLL code for testing CVE-2024-21378 in MS Outlook
* This DLL is designed for use in conjunction with the Ruler tool for
* security testing related to the CVE-2024-21378 vulnerability,
* specifically targeting MS Outlook.
* It can be used with the following command line syntax:
* ruler [auth-params] form add-com [attack-params] --dll ./test.dll
* Ruler repository: (com-forms branch).
* After being loaded into MS Outlook, it sends the PC's hostname and
ounissi-zakaria / postMessageTracker.js
Created March 22, 2024 21:08
User Script that tracks postMessage event listeners and makes it easy to track/debug them
// ==UserScript==
// @name PostMessage Tracker
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match *://*/*
// @version 1.0
// @author Ounissi zakaria (
// @description Each time an event listener is added for `message` it adds a menu command to tha message handler.
// @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
Dump-GUY /
Created March 18, 2024 07:30
Modified version of Willi Ballenthin IDA Plugin ported to support Python2/3 and IDA>=7.4 (tested IDA 7.7, 8.4)
IDA plugin to display the calls and strings referenced by a function as hints.
Installation: put this file in your %IDADIR%/plugins/ directory.
Author: Willi Ballenthin <[email protected]>
Licence: Apache 2.0
import idc
import idaapi
import idautils
Ry0taK /
Last active April 7, 2024 18:19
Can we execute arbitrary JavaScript with these conditions?

Demo site


(Please note that this problem might be unresolvable, as it's a real-world one.)

I encountered the following JavaScript in the real world (this is the simplified version):

const obj = {};
GrayHatGuy /
Last active November 1, 2024 23:01
Iridium satellite cheat sheet for hackrf SDR capture using gr-iridium iridium-toolkit and iridium live


This details how to capture voice text and rings associated with iridium satellite rebroadcasts of the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Report System (ACARS)


  • Start installation in home directory preferred
    cd ~
  • Install the following repos preferably from source or using apt in home directory or /usr/scr/:
fnpial /
Created January 7, 2024 18:37 — forked from ruevaughn/
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