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Created February 7, 2015 21:16
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A tool to load a `.tmuxify.layout` file and open a GNU Screen session with it. See
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -x
if [ ! -f "$layout" ]; then
echo "Can't find ./.tmuxify.layout" >&2
exit 1
session="${1:-$(basename $(pwd))}"
screen -S "$session" -d -m
cat "$layout" | while read window pane command; do
screen -S "$session" -X screen -t "$window" "pane";
screen -S "$session" -X select "pane";
screen -S "$session" -X stuff "$command\n";
screen -rd "$session";
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foca commented Feb 7, 2015

The way to select the session that will be active at the end is to make it the last one in the .tmuxify.layout file. So for example, with this file:

shell   3    gs in
irb     2    gs in && irb -r ./init
server  1    gs in && shotgun
vim     0    gs in && vim .

Vim (window 0) will be the one selected when the user runs screenify.

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pote commented Feb 7, 2015

Pretty! You should make this easily installable!

Or maybe I can just curl the file into my PATH because I have run out of fucks to give.

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