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using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
public static class PostBuildTrigger
// Frameworks Ids - These ids have been generated by creating a project using Xcode then
// extracting the values from the generated project.pbxproj. The format of this
// file is not documented by Apple so the correct algorithm for generating these
// ids is unknown.
const string FRAMEWORK_MOBILEAPPTRACKER = "MobileAppTracker.framework";
const string FRAMEWORK_ID_MOBILEAPPTRACKER = "919BD0C3159C677000C931FE";
const string FRAMEWORK_ADSUPPORT = "AdSupport.framework";
const string FRAMEWORK_ID_ADSUPPORT = "919BD0C3159C677000C931BE";
const string FRAMEWORK_FILEREFID_ADSUPPORT = "919BD0C2159C677000C931BE";
const string FRAMEWORK_CORETELEPHONY = "CoreTelephony.framework";
const string FRAMEWORK_ID_CORETELEPHONY = "919BD0C3159C677000C931CE";
const string FRAMEWORK_FILEREFID_CORETELEPHONY = "919BD0C2159C677000C931CE";
const string FRAMEWORK_MOBILECORESERVICES = "MobileCoreServices.framework";
const string FRAMEWORK_ID_MOBILECORESERVICES = "919BD0C3159C677000C931DE";
const string FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION = "SystemConfiguration.framework";
const string FRAMEWORK_ID_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION = "919BD0C3159C677000C931EE";
const string DEFAULT_FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER = "System/Library/Frameworks";
const string DEFAULT_UNITY_IPHONE_PROJECT_NAME = "Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj";
const string MAT_FRAMEWORK_FOLDER_PATH = "Assets/Plugins/iOS"; // <------- Path of folder that contains the MAT framework folder
// List of all the frameworks to be added to the project
public struct framework
public string sName;
public string sId;
public string sFileId;
public string sPath;
public bool sWeak;
public framework(string name, string myId, string fileid, string path, bool weak)
sName = name;
sId = myId;
sFileId = fileid;
sPath = path;
sWeak = weak;
/// Processbuild Function
[PostProcessBuild] // this attribute causes the method to be automatically executed
public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget target, string path)
Debug.Log("New Post Processing Build: OnPostProcessBuild: path = " + path);
// 1: Proceed only if this is an iOS build
string xcodeprojPath = Path.Combine(path, DEFAULT_UNITY_IPHONE_PROJECT_NAME);
Debug.Log("We found xcodeprojPath to be : " + xcodeprojPath);
// 2: We init our tab and process our project
// NOTE: !! MobileAppTracker.framework !! must be the first item in this array.
framework[] myFrameworks = { new framework(FRAMEWORK_MOBILEAPPTRACKER, FRAMEWORK_ID_MOBILEAPPTRACKER, FRAMEWORK_FILEREFID_MOBILEAPPTRACKER, Path.GetDirectoryName(xcodeprojPath), false),
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - START");
updateXcodeProject(xcodeprojPath, myFrameworks);
// 3: We do nothing if not iPhone
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - Warning: No PostProcessing required. This is not an iOS build");
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - END");
// xcodeproj_filename - filename of the Xcode project to change
// frameworks - list of Apple standard frameworks to add to the project
public static void updateXcodeProject(string xcodeprojPath, framework[] listFrameworks)
Debug.Log("MAT framework source = " + Path.Combine(MAT_FRAMEWORK_FOLDER_PATH, listFrameworks[0].sName));
Debug.Log("MAT framework target = " + listFrameworks[0].sPath);
// Copy the MobileAppTracker.framework
copyDirectory(Path.Combine(MAT_FRAMEWORK_FOLDER_PATH, listFrameworks[0].sName), Path.Combine(listFrameworks[0].sPath, listFrameworks[0].sName), true);
// STEP 1 :
// Create an array of strings by reading in all lines from the xcode project file.
string project = xcodeprojPath + "/project.pbxproj";
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(project);
// STEP 2 :
// Loop through the project file text and check if MobileAppTracker.framework exists under the frameworks list.
// If it exists then the file has already been processed and we skip this file update.
int i = 0;
bool bFound = false;
bool bEnd = false;
while (!bFound && !bEnd)
if (lines[i].Length > 5 && (string.Compare(lines[i].Substring(3, 3), "End") == 0) )
bEnd = true;
bFound = lines[i].Contains(FRAMEWORK_MOBILEAPPTRACKER);
if (bFound)
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - WARNING: Frameworks have already been added to Xcode project");
// STEP 3 :
// Edit the project.pbxproj to allow the use of MobileAppTracker.framework.
FileStream filestr = new FileStream(project, FileMode.Create); //Create new file and open it for read and write, if the file exists overwrite it.
StreamWriter fCurrentXcodeProjFile = new StreamWriter(project); // will be used for writing
// As we iterate through the list we'll record which section of the
// project.pbxproj we are currently in
string section = string.Empty;
// We use this boolean to decide whether we have already added the list of
// build files to the link line. This is needed because there could be multiple
// build targets and they are not named in the project.pbxproj
bool bFrameworks_build_added = false;
i = 0;
foreach (string line in lines)
// STEP 1 : Include Framewoks //
// Each section starts with a comment such as : /* Begin PBXBuildFile section */'
if ( line.Length > 7 && string.Compare(line.Substring(3, 5), "Begin") == 0 )
section = line.Split(' ')[2];
Debug.Log("NEW_SECTION: "+section);
if (section == "PBXBuildFile")
// Add one entry for each framework to the PBXBuildFile section
foreach (framework fr in listFrameworks)
add_build_file(fCurrentXcodeProjFile, fr.sId, fr.sName, fr.sFileId, fr.sWeak);
if (section == "PBXFileReference")
// Add one entry for each framework to the PBXFileReference section
foreach (framework fr in listFrameworks)
add_framework_file_reference(fCurrentXcodeProjFile, fr.sFileId, fr.sName, fr.sPath);
if (line.Length > 5 && string.Compare(line.Substring(3, 3), "End") == 0)
section = string.Empty;
// The PBXResourcesBuildPhase section is what appears in XCode as 'Link
// Binary With Libraries'. As with the frameworks we make the assumption the
// first target is always 'Unity-iPhone' as the name of the target itself is
// not listed in project.pbxproj
if (section == "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase"
&& line.Trim().Length > 4
&& string.Compare(line.Trim().Substring(0, 5) , "files") == 0
&& !bFrameworks_build_added)
// Add one entry for each framework to the PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section
foreach (framework fr in listFrameworks)
add_frameworks_build_phase(fCurrentXcodeProjFile, fr.sId, fr.sName);
bFrameworks_build_added = true;
// The PBXGroup is the section that appears in XCode as 'Copy Bundle Resources'.
if (section == "PBXGroup"
&& line.Trim().Length > 7
&& string.Compare(line.Trim().Substring(0, 8) , "children") == 0
&& lines[i-2].Trim().Split(' ').Length > 0
&& string.Compare(lines[i-2].Trim().Split(' ')[2] , "CustomTemplate" ) == 0 )
Debug.Log("Adding frameworks in PBXGroup");
foreach (framework fr in listFrameworks)
add_group(fCurrentXcodeProjFile, fr.sFileId, fr.sName);
// STEP 2 : Build Options //
if (section == "XCBuildConfiguration"
&& line.StartsWith("\t\t\t\tOTHER_CFLAGS"))
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - Adding FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS");
// Add "." to the framework search path
fCurrentXcodeProjFile.Write("\t\t\t\tFRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = (\n\t\t\t\t\t\"$(inherited)\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"\\\"$(SRCROOT)/" + "." + "\\\"\",\n\t\t\t\t);\n");
// Adds a line into the PBXBuildFile section
private static void add_build_file(StreamWriter file, string id, string name, string fileref, bool weak)
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - Adding build file " + name);
string subsection = "Frameworks";
string settings = weak ? "settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Weak, ); }; " : string.Empty;
file.Write("\t\t" + id + " /* " + name + " in " + subsection + " */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = " + fileref + " /* " + name + " */; " + settings + "};\n");
// Adds a line into the PBXBuildFile section
private static void add_framework_file_reference(StreamWriter file, string id, string name, string path)
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - Adding framework file reference " + name);
string sourceTree = null;
if(null == path)
sourceTree = "SDKROOT";
path = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER; // all the frameworks come from here
sourceTree = "\"<group>\"";
if (name == "libsqlite3.0.dylib") // except for lidsqlite
path = "usr/lib";
file.Write("\t\t" + id + " /* " + name + " */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = " + name + "; path = " + path + "/" + name + "; sourceTree = "+ sourceTree + "; };\n");
// Adds a line into the PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section
private static void add_frameworks_build_phase(StreamWriter file, string id, string name)
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - Adding build phase " + name);
file.Write("\t\t\t\t" + id + " /* " + name + " in Frameworks */,\n");
// Adds a line into the PBXGroup section
private static void add_group(StreamWriter file, string id, string name)
Debug.Log("OnPostProcessBuild - Add group " + name);
file.Write("\t\t\t\t" + id + " /* " + name + " */,\n");
private static void copyDirectory(string sourceDirName, string destDirName, bool copySubDirs)
Debug.Log("copyDirectory: source = " + sourceDirName + ", destination = " + destDirName);
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirName);
DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories();
if (!dir.Exists)
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(
"Source directory does not exist or could not be found: "
+ sourceDirName);
if (!Directory.Exists(destDirName))
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
string temppath = Path.Combine(destDirName, file.Name);
file.CopyTo(temppath, true);
if (copySubDirs)
foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dirs)
string temppath = Path.Combine(destDirName, subdir.Name);
copyDirectory(subdir.FullName, temppath, copySubDirs);
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