- Hierarchical models
- Hidden Markov models
- Graphical models
- Non-parametric Bayes (distributions over functions)
Inference Approaches:
- Brute-force calculation
- Random-walk Monte Carlo sampling: Metropolis, Gibbs, ABC
- Gradient-based simulation: HMC, NUTS
- Optimization
- Variational approaches
Python Software:
- PyMC: Metropolis and adaptive Metropolis samplers
- PyMC3: next-generation sampling and fitting algorithms for Bayesian models
- emcee: MCMC
- bnpy: Bayesian non-parametric ML
- Bayes Blocks: variational Bayes
- BayesPy: general posterior inference
- libpgm: Bayesian probability graphs
- Pythonic Bayesian Belief Network Framework: eBay's belief network framework
- PyStan: HMC, VB
- pgmpy: probabilistic graphical models
- What are people currently working on?
- Which exciting new methods should we be implementing?
- Which technologies are going to be able to help make probabilistic programming in Python easier and more effective?
- Theano
- OpenCL
- Gallery of models for PyMC 3
- Adding parallel tempering to PyMC 3
Linked list: