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Last active February 11, 2024 22:27
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Save foo123/20e0ca043cdc50ecb004 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
UMD JavaScript Module pattern with dependencies (bundled-in or external) for Node/CommonJS, AMD/RequireJS, Web Workers and Browser (~2.2kB of extra code minified)
!function ( root, name, deps, factory ) {
"use strict";
// export the module umd-style (with deps bundled-in or external)
// Get current filename/path
function getPath( isNode, isWebWorker, isAMD, isBrowser, amdMod )
var f;
if (isNode) return {file:__filename, path:__dirname};
else if (isWebWorker) return {file:(f=self.location.href), path:f.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')};
else if (isAMD&&amdMod&&amdMod.uri) return {file:(f=amdMod.uri), path:f.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')};
else if (isBrowser&&(f=document.getElementsByTagName('script'))&&f.length) return {file:(f=f[f.length - 1].src), path:f.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')};
return {file:null, path:null};
function getDeps( names, paths, deps, depsType, require )
var i, dl = names.length, mods = new Array( dl );
for (i=0; i<dl; i++)
mods[ i ] = (1 === depsType)
? /* node */ (deps[ names[ i ] ] || require( paths[ i ] ))
: (2 === depsType ? /* amd args */ (require( names[ i ] )) : /* globals */ (deps[ names[ i ] ]))
return mods;
// load javascript(s) (a)sync using <script> tags if browser, or importScripts if worker
function loadScripts( scope, base, names, paths, callback, imported )
var dl = names.length, i, rel, t, load, next, head, link;
if ( imported )
for (i=0; i<dl; i++) if ( !(names[ i ] in scope) ) importScripts( base + paths[ i ] );
return callback( );
head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[ 0 ]; link = document.createElement( 'a' );
rel = /^\./; t = 0; i = 0;
load = function( url, cb ) {
var done = 0, script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.language = 'javascript';
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function( ) {
if (!done && (!script.readyState || script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete'))
done = 1; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
cb( );
head.removeChild( script ); script = null;
if ( rel.test( url ) )
// let the browser generate abs path
link.href = base + url;
url = link.protocol + "//" + + link.pathname + + link.hash;
// load it
script.src = url; head.appendChild( script );
next = function( ) {
if ( names[ i ] in scope )
if ( ++i >= dl ) callback( );
else if ( names[ i ] in scope ) next( );
else load( paths[ i ], next );
else if ( ++t < 30 ) { setTimeout( next, 30 ); }
else { t = 0; i++; next( ); }
while ( i < dl && (names[ i ] in scope) ) i++;
if ( i < dl ) load( paths[ i ], next );
else callback( );
deps = deps || [[],[]];
var isNode = ("undefined" !== typeof global) && ("[object global]" === {},
isBrowser = !isNode && ("undefined" !== typeof navigator),
isWebWorker = !isNode && ("function" === typeof importScripts) && (navigator instanceof WorkerNavigator),
isAMD = ("function" === typeof define) && define.amd,
isCommonJS = isNode && ("object" === typeof module) && module.exports,
currentGlobal = isWebWorker ? self : root, currentPath = getPath( isNode, isWebWorker, isAMD, isBrowser ), m,
names = [].concat(deps[0]), paths = [].concat(deps[1]), dl = names.length, i, requireJSPath, ext_js = /\.js$/i
// commonjs, node, etc..
if ( isCommonJS )
module.$deps = module.$deps || {};
module.exports = module.$deps[ name ] = factory.apply( root, [{NODE:module}].concat(getDeps( names, paths, module.$deps, 1, require )) ) || 1;
// amd, requirejs, etc..
else if ( isAMD && ("function" === typeof require) && ("function" === typeof require.specified) &&
require.specified(name) )
if ( !require.defined(name) )
requireJSPath = { };
for (i=0; i<dl; i++)
require.specified( names[ i ] ) || (requireJSPath[ names[ i ] ] = paths[ i ].replace(ext_js, ''));
require.config({ paths: requireJSPath });
// named modules, require the module by name given
define( name, ["require", "exports", "module"].concat( names ), function( require, exports, module ) {
return factory.apply( root, [{AMD:module}].concat(getDeps( names, paths, arguments, 2, require )) );
// browser, web worker, other loaders, etc.. + AMD optional
else if ( !(name in currentGlobal) )
loadScripts( currentGlobal, currentPath.path + '/', names, paths, function( ){
currentGlobal[ name ] = m = factory.apply( root, [{}].concat(getDeps( names, paths, currentGlobal )) ) || 1;
isAMD && define( name, ["require"], function( ){ return m; } );
}, isWebWorker);
}( /* current root */ this,
/* module name */ "MODULE_NAME",
/* module dependencies */ [['Dep1', 'Dep2'],['./dep1.js', './dep2.js']],
/* module factory */ function( exports, Dep1, Dep2 ) {
/* main code starts here */
// custom exports object will export automatically to node/requirejs/worker/browser/etc.. as needed
exports["MODULE_NAME"] = { /* ... */};
/* main code ends here */
/* export the module */
return exports["MODULE_NAME"];
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