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Last active December 16, 2015 21:09
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  • Save foofoodog/5497235 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save foofoodog/5497235 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Library of some stuff
// Aguments for init and update are the same.
// element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext
// See
ko.bindingHandlers.dirty = {
// bind dom element change event to dirty flag observable
init: function (el, va, ba, vm, bc) {
$(el).change(function () {
if (bc.$parent.flag.dirty) (bc.$parent.flag.dirty(va())); // might check if dirty is actually an observable
update: function (el, va, ba, vm, bc) {
// TODO try to use this instead of jq event binding
ko.bindingHandlers.required = {
init: function (el, va, ba, vm, bc) {
bc.$data.valid = ko.observable(false);
update: function (el, va, ba, vm, bc) {
bc.$data.valid(!(ba().value().trim() == ""));
Library of some stuff
function Storage(type, converter) {
// TODO create a default converter if argument is missing.
return {
load: load,
save: save
function load(items) {
var data = localStorage.getItem( || "[]";
function (item) {
items.push(converter.from(extend(new type(), item)));
function save(items) {
var data = [];
items.forEach(function (item) {
localStorage.setItem(, JSON.stringify(data));
function extend(target, source) { // poor mans extend
for (var prop in source) {
target[prop] = source[prop];
return target;
function ViewModel(type) {
// Need serilaized objects properties to be observable on load, non-observable on save.
var converter = {
to: ko.mapping.toJS,
from: ko.mapping.fromJS
// Create type specific storage that uses converter.
var storage = new Storage(type, converter);
// Working variables.
var item = ko.observable(newItem());
var items = ko.observableArray();
var dirty = ko.observable(false);
var valid = ko.observable(false);
var message = ko.observable("");
load(); // see what we have laying around
// Retun this interface.
return {
data: {
item: item,
items: items,
message: message,
flag: {
dirty: dirty,
valid: valid
event: {
add: add,
remove: remove
call: {
save: save,
load: load
// privates
function newItem() {
return converter.from(new type()); // use coverter to create new item
function validate(data) {
var ret = data.valid ? data.valid() : true;
message(ret ? "" : "*required");
return ret;
function validateAll() {
var ret = true;
items().forEach(function(data) {
if (!validate(data)) {
ret = false;
throw {}; // break
return ret;
// publics
function save() {
if (!validateAll()) return;; // !important call it with the values().
function load() {
function add(data) {
if (!validate(data)) return;
function remove(data) {
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