This document exists purely to keep track of customizations and software soon to be taken care of by chef.
- DropBox
- KeePassX
- PCKeyboardHack <-- disables CapsLock
- ScreenFlow 3
- Steam <-- Civilization IV/V ;)
- Sublime Text 2
- TotalSpaces <-- Makes switching spaces faster
ruby <(curl -fsSkL
brew doctor
brew update
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install autoconf automake apple-gcc42
rvm pkg install openssl
sudo mkdir /etc/chef
sudo chown -R $user:$staff /etc/chef
mkdir ~/.chef
rvm gemset use global
gem install chef
# copy client.rb|validation.pem to /etc/chef
chef-client -c /etc/chef/client.rb
# client.rb
base_dir = "/Users/USERNAME/.chef"
chef_server_url ''
validation_client_name 'ORGNAME-validator'
checksum_path "#{base_dir}/checksum"
file_cache_path "#{base_dir}/cache"
file_backup_path "#{base_dir}/backup"
cache_options({:path => "#{base_dir}/cache/checksums", :skip_expires => true})
defaults write expose-animation-duration -int 0; killall Dock