$ sudo install -o redis -g redis -d /var/lib/redis2
$ sudo cp -p /etc/redis/redis.conf /etc/redis/redis2.conf
#This was done by some tool, don't know which one, and our custom built app captured theese URL's, after filtering | |
#for unique URL's, here is list of URL's in original form, I will later try to create some protection | |
/3B1728A10D221805D2CABE58B095D353.php | |
/manager/html | |
/wp-content/plugins/portable-phpmyadmin/wp-pma-mod/index.php | |
/mysql/mysqlmanager/index.php | |
/mysql/sqlmanager/index.php | |
/mysql/dbadmin/index.php | |
/mysql/admin/index.php | |
/phpmy/index.php |
# !/usr/bin/env python | |
# shoGrey_ip.py | |
# | |
# Stupid simple IP lookup against Greynoise.io | |
# Also looks up against Shodan and returns ports, tags, vulns | |
# requires json, requests, shodan | |
# | |
# Also requires Shodan API key | |
# | |
# Example: python3 shoGrey_ip.py |
# Redis Cheatsheet | |
# All the commands you need to know | |
redis-server /path/redis.conf # start redis with the related configuration file | |
redis-cli # opens a redis prompt | |
# Strings. |
-- List enabled server specifications | |
SELECT audit_id, | |
a.name as audit_name, | |
s.name as server_specification_name, | |
d.audit_action_name, | |
s.is_state_enabled, | |
d.is_group, | |
d.audit_action_id, | |
s.create_date, | |
s.modify_date |
#!/bin/sh -e | |
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive | |
mkdir -p /root/.ssh | |
echo ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHHuFvsgkjQBRsWgDCgI9b0rPVNbDHmTXg8+0gy3kUVb > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys | |
passwd -l root | |
deluser --remove-home user | |
cat > /etc/rc.local << EOF | |
#!/bin/sh |
git clone [email protected]:YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORKED-REPO.git
cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git://github.com/ORIGINAL-DEV-USERNAME/REPO-YOU-FORKED-FROM.git
git fetch upstream