A script to switch boot2docker to use NFS instead of VBoxfs for speed.
1) In your Mac, open the file /etc/nfs.conf
and add this line:
nfs.server.mount.require_resv_port = 0
2) Then, open /etc/exports
and add this line, changing the values to match your case:
/Users/<your username> -alldirs -mapall=501:20
3) With both files changed time to apply the new settings:
sudo nfsd restart
4) Check your NFS shares (if you got error, then wait for few seconds and rerun it):
showmount -e
5) Finally, ssh into your boot2docker machine and run:
sudo umount /Users
sudo mkdir /Users/<your username>
sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client start
sudo mount <mac's ip address>:/Users/<your username> /Users/<your username> -o async,noatime,actimeo=1,nolock,vers=3,udp