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Chris Foresman foresmac

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  • East Tennessee
  • 11:52 (UTC -05:00)
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treyhunner /
Last active November 3, 2023 08:13
Test performance of different dictionary merging functions in Python
multiple_update: 33 ms
copy_and_update: 27 ms
dict_constructor: 29 ms
kwargs_hack: 33 ms
dict_comprehension: 33 ms
concatenate_items: 81 ms
union_items: 81 ms
eternalstorms / Apple Evangelists.txt
Created June 12, 2013 09:07
Apple Evangelists (WWDC 2013)
UI- and App Frameworks Evangelist - Jake Behrens, [email protected], twitter: @Behrens
- What's new in Cocoa
- Accessibility in iOS
- Building User Interfaces for iOS 7
- Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics
- What's new in Cocoa Touch
- What's New With Multitasking
- Best Practices for Cocoa Animation
- Improving Power Efficiency with App Nap
- Introducing Text Kit
seanwolter / gist:5246286
Last active December 15, 2015 10:29
git stuff I always forget
-------clone a project locally
git clone --recursive [email protected]:seanwolter/the_project_goes_here.git
-------push back to github:
git push origin master
-------add upstream to my repo
git remote add upstream [email protected]:vokalinteractive/the_project_goes_here.git
-------get back to an older commit
eleclerc / Solarized (Dark).tmTheme
Created February 25, 2012 00:38
Solarized theme (dark & light) with markdown support for Sublime Text 2 editor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Solarized (dark)</string>
tschellenbach / Django Mock Request
Created April 18, 2011 12:54
Fake django requests for testing purposes
from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
class RequestMock(RequestFactory):
def request(self, **request):
"Construct a generic request object."
request = RequestFactory.request(self, **request)
handler = BaseHandler()
for middleware_method in handler._request_middleware: