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Last active June 4, 2020 20:24
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  • Save forresto/e5c37e63626d9380e7bfc100d0711446 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generated by XState Viz:
// Available variables:
// - Machine
// - interpret
// - assign
// - send
// - sendParent
// - spawn
// - raise
// - actions
// - XState (all XState exports)
const goLeft = assign({
slideIndex: (context, event) => Math.max(context.slideIndex - 1, 0),
const goRight = assign({
slideIndex: (context, event) =>
Math.min(context.slideIndex + 1, context.slideCount - 1),
const goHome = assign({
slideIndex: (context, event) => 0,
const goEnd = assign({
slideIndex: (context, event) => context.slideCount - 1,
const goIndex = assign({
slideIndex: (context, event) => 0, //TODO
const goFocusedIndex = assign({
slideIndex: (context, event) => context.focusIndex,
const focusIndex = assign({
focusIndex: (context, event) => 0, //TODO
const focusLeft = assign({
focusIndex: (context, event) => Math.max(context.slideIndex - 1, 0),
const focusRight = assign({
focusIndex: (context, event) => Math.max(context.slideIndex + 1, 0),
const pauseAnimation = assign({
playing: (context, event) => false,
const resumeAnimation = assign({
playing: (context, event) => (context.autoplay ? true : false),
const sliderMachine = Machine({
id: "sliderPage",
initial: "unfocused",
context: {
slideCount: 5,
slideIndex: 0,
focusIndex: 0,
autoplay: true,
playing: true,
states: {
unfocused: {
on: {
target: "focused",
actions: pauseAnimation,
target: "focused.focusedDots",
actions: [goIndex, focusIndex],
focused: {
initial: "focusedLeft",
states: {
focusedLeft: {
on: {
target: "focusedLeft",
actions: goLeft,
TAB: {
target: "focusedRight",
focusedRight: {
on: {
target: "focusedRight",
actions: goRight,
TAB: {
target: "focusedDots",
focusedDots: {
initial: "focusedLeft",
on: {
actions: focusLeft,
actions: focusRight,
actions: goFocusedIndex,
TAB: {
target: "focusContent",
focusContent: {},
on: {
target: "unfocused",
actions: resumeAnimation,
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