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Forrest O. forresto

View GitHub Profile
// Available variables:
// Machine (machine factory function)
// XState (all XState exports)
const {sendParent} = XState.actions
const geoMachine = Machine({
id: "geolocation",
initial: "check_geolocation_api",
"info": {
"title": "back-away-slowly",
"author": "forresto",
"description": "not sure where i'm going with this, tho neat vid data urls can be stored in app json",
"url": "back-away-slowly",
"parents": [
forresto / ui-test.json
Last active August 23, 2018 05:12 — forked from anonymous/ui-test.json
meemoo app: test of new ui native elements
"info": {
"author": "meemoo",
"title": "test of new ui native elements",
"description": "Meemoo app description",
"parents": [],
"url": "ui-test"
"nodes": [
"info": {
"title": "cam to webm",
"author": "forresto",
"description": "webcam to webm file",
"url": "cam2webm"
"nodes": [
"id": 2,
forresto / hexaflexagon.json
Last active January 20, 2018 05:47
meemoo photo hexaflexagon -- untested
"info": {
"author": "@forresto",
"title": "photo hexaflexagon",
"description": "add photos, print, cut, fold, flex",
"parents": [
"url": "hexaflexagon"
forresto / dynamicland-vneck-tshirt.lua
Last active August 30, 2018 06:44
first shot at dynamicland #softfab
-- Shirt (#softfab)
Claim (you) has state "waist" with initial value (30).
Claim (you) has state "arm" with initial value (5).
Claim (you) has state "armaround" with initial value (10).
Claim (you) has state "side" with initial value (20).
Claim (you) has state "neck" with initial value (15).
When (you) contains dots /dots/,
(you) has width /width/:
forresto / gist:1cb0d95dbd807024c9db8a8277a9076c
Created March 13, 2017 19:53
OS X 10.11 and Canon Lide 60 scanner
~/Desktop 👽 scanimage --format tiff --mode Color --resolution 300 > fd-black.tiff
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forresto / noflo.json
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
noflo-canvas demo: line chart
"properties": {
"name": "noflo-canvas line chart",
"id": "77f213fb32c9b22527e2",
"environment": {
"type": "noflo-browser",
"content": "<canvas id=\"mycanvas\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\"></canvas>\n"
"icon": ""
"properties": {
"name": "main",
"environment": {
"type": "noflo-browser",
"content": "<video id=\"video\" autoplay loop style=\"max-width:100%;\"></video><br>\n<canvas id=\"colors\" width=\"640\" height=\"100\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></canvas>\n<button id=\"start\">start camera</button>\n"
"icon": ""
"inports": {},